Each mineral has unique characteristics that make it recognizable among those who dominate the world of jewelry.but as in all sciences, we can always find pleasant exceptions and unique species such as blue amber, a very rare stone.

This semi-precious stone is abundantly available in the Dominican Republic in the Jacagua area of ​​Santiago, where it is found at the foot of the mountain. Other findings have proven that it is also possible to find it in Mexico and Nicaragua, although in very limited quantities and in lower quality versions.

This stone can be found in different shades such as yellow, red and green, but blue amber is considered the most striking and beautiful variant among these. It is precisely the blue color that makes this type of amber so interesting for the scientific community and for stone and jewelry lovers in general.

Around the blue color that amber has, there are many hypotheses that try to explain it., since it is not a solid color, but the product of fluorescence. Among them, those that relate the presence of this color and fluorescence to exposure to high temperatures from volcanic eruptions or proximity to fields where there are forest fires make sense.

Since, as we mentioned before, the blue color does not correspond to a solid color, it is necessary to place the stone under an ultraviolet lamp to be able to appreciate its bluish, cobalt hue. Another way to recognize this stone is through a particular color that can be seen once cut and that is different from the rest of the stones in this family.

In the world of jewelry, blue amber has more economic value than the rest of these stones.. Not only because it is a difficult mineral to find, but also because the cutting and assembly work requires an expert goldsmith who knows how to handle this extremely hard fossilized resin.

Another feature that increases its value is the number of inclusions present in this amber. Inclusions are the remains of living species, such as plants, marine elements and insects that were trapped in the past. With respect to this quality, the finds made in Haiti are famous, of an amber with the inclusion of a spider of more than twenty million years and one made in the Dominican Republic of an amber with the inclusion of a totally preserved frog; this last piece was sold for fifty thousand dollars.

As a good family of quartz, this type of amber has healing and esoteric properties; it helps balance emotions, promotes inspiration, creativity and increases self-esteem.

Amber is a semi-precious stone of great beauty and applications in the world of jewelry, but blue amber is definitely a very rare stone, once discovered it is worth every reason to be qualified as such.