Are Aries men jealous or possessive?

People born under this sign tend to have characteristics such as being optimistic and confident, which is why they also have a tendency to be liked by their friends and treated gently (perhaps too carefully) by their families.

Aries tend to be hard workers, but they aren’t always big fans of rules. They like to do things with a purpose and they don’t like to be disturbed.

Aries doesn’t like being told what to do and often feels like he’s right, even when he’s not.

Aries likes to be acknowledged, and they don’t like people to ignore their feelings, views, and opinions.

the arian in love

Aries men are different around their romantic partners than they are around their friends and family. That confidence and optimistic vision that is sometimes lost when you are with a partner. Aries men do not open their hearts easily, but they are willing to give everything to the person they love when they fully trust them.

Aries men also tend to be quite intense in relationships, sometimes too intense, when they feel a great need for their romantic partner.

Are Arians jealous?

So, Aries men are jealous? The simple answer is a big yes! Jealousy is a common trait among Aries and often one to watch out for. But I will go into more detail so that you can recognize these characteristics in your Aries man.

Aries men can be short-tempered when they are jealous because they are sensitive by nature, feel their feelings intensely and show them to the surface. When Aries experiences jealousy, he can become overly passionate (to put it nicely) and aggressive (to put it in a not-so-nice way). They can often overreact to their slightest suspicions.

Jealousy can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from anything like showing awkwardness when talking to other men to forbidding you from talking to them, even acquaintances and those you’ve been friends with longer than your Aries. While it may be clear when your Aries man has gone too far with jealousy, he may also be in a gray area. It’s natural for anyone, not just Aries, to experience jealousy in relationships, but you have to be aware of when some jealousy becomes dangerous and overdone.

Are Arians possessive?

So, we know that Aries men are jealous, but are they possessive? Once again, the simple answer is yes. They may feel that they own their partner and what they do may be dictated by them: who you hang out with, what you eat and where you work. Examine his characteristics that display this trait, so you can recognize it in your Aries man and eventually learn how to deal with these issues.

Aries men take their time deciding whether or not their partner is right for them and as soon as they figure it out, they become possessive. While this may not sound positive (and be careful because it often isn’t), it can also mean that they just want to spend as much time with you as possible. Aries has found out how much he loves you and doesn’t want anyone else to find out how good you are so you’ll leave them for someone else. This viewpoint and behavior often walk a fine line between healthy and unhealthy behavior.

Aries men are often alpha males, so be careful. They may want you to act as if you were in their possession.

careful to stand firm and make it clear that while he likes being with you you may even love him, you are not his property.

Possession may seem sweet, but it can be dangerous and very unhealthy, so beware of Aries men who display this type of behavior to the extreme.

What to do with Arians with these characteristics

If you really love this Aries man and can see past these jealousy and possessive issues, there are many ways to avoid jealousy, which I will explain below. But, the basic rule is that if they have nothing to be jealous about and won’t let you go, you may need to let this Aries man go.

One thing that can be really easy to avoid is making Aries men jealous on purpose. There is no point in purposely doing this to your Aries, especially if it will only make him angry. Making your man jealous on purpose shows insecurity in the relationship and is generally unhealthy. Avoid doing this on purpose, but don’t feel guilty if you do it by accident.

Another way that is recommended to deter jealousy from Aries men is to not show any attraction to other men. Aries men are insecure, and they don’t like to feel insecure. However, make it clear that it is natural to be attracted to people other than your partner, all you have to do is simply not act on it. However, if this is something your Aries man is totally terrified of, he may not bring it up until both of you are totally secure in your relationship.

Acknowledge your need for superiority. I’m not saying that you always need to let him feel superior to you (or that you need to let him feel superior to you, because he’s not), but you should be aware that this is a need that he has and if he is not satisfied, get angry and act accordingly. Make him understand that he has no control over you, but do it gently.

Don’t force him to be inactive. Aries men constantly need to get things done, so support his ambition and don’t hold him back. Don’t let it stop you either.

Other suggestions include not being introverted (so I guess I’ll never date an Aries man?), as if that’s something you can control. However, I think what this suggestion is really saying is that Aries men want to go out at night instead of relaxing and watching TV. Support him, but don’t always do what he wants to do. Just make sure he knows you’re willing to commit to partner activities.

Don’t lie to him, even about little things. This only fuels the fires of jealousy and raises suspicions about other things you may be lying about, even if you’re not lying about anything big.

And lastly, don’t intentionally hurt or criticize him unfairly. As mentioned above, Aries men are quite sensitive by nature, so if you love him, don’t intentionally hurt him (like anyone else you might love).


Jealous and possessive are two words that always have and always will define Aries men. Not all Aries have these characteristics, but many do, so don’t ignore these characteristics if you spot them. If you love these Aries men and want to stay in relationships with them, despite any problems that arise due to their jealous ideas and possessive nature, follow the advice given.

One important thing to keep in mind is that Aries get over their anger, so sometimes being patient with them is all they need. I am not saying to ignore this anger, because it is a problem, but I am saying to be patient in your dealings with them. You also want to make sure these Aries men know that you don’t agree with the way they act when they’re jealous and angry. However, as we know, these Aries men are sensitive, you must do this carefully and without blame.

I have read other articles on this subject, and several say that the partners of these Aries men agree with them and accept their jealousy, but I disagree. If you have no reason to be jealous and act in the childish way that you do, you need to know that it is not an adult way of acting. He may see you as one of his possessions, but you are not his property. You belong to yourself, not to him.

Just remember and understand all the tips above, and you’ll know everything you need to know about Aries men.

Aries men can be temperamental in relationships, but many of them can be worth the effort you may need to put forth.

However, you must also understand the line between a casual fit of jealousy and a jealous rage. An unhealthy relationship is not a happy one. Explore your Aries men and find a good one.

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