Angel of those born between December 23 to 27 –

Mebahiah is the guardian angel of people born between December 22 and 26. He has a feminine energy and represents the 0th and 5th degree of Capricorn. In the hierarchy of angels she is a Principality, she is part of the sefirah of Netsah, and her ruling Archangel is Haniel. Her planetary energies are Venus/Mercury and she represents the element of Earth.

His name means: Eternal God. He symbolizes: Inspiration. He offers his support in spreading ideas related to spirituality and religion. He will guide you to be able to live a life in which morality plays an important role. He will also help couples who want to conceive a child. Angel Mebahiah’s stone is Sodalite and its colors are Blue/Blue. Of the 7 chakras, he rules: Vishuddha (The throat chakra).


  • intellectual lucidity
  • Clear ideas that allow goodness and benevolence
  • understanding through the senses
  • Adjust and regulate desires
  • Harmonization of behavior
  • Sense of duty and responsibilities
  • Open your heart with discernment
  • Consolation born of understanding
  • Communicates the mystery of Morals to the intellect
  • Deep and mystical spiritual experience
  • Example of morals, exemplary conduct, commitment
  • Ability to rectify at the collective level

Characteristics of the protected

People born under the influence of the angel Mebahiah are disciplined and persistent in their goals. They will distinguish themselves by being kind, compassionate and merciful. They will want to feel useful for the benefit of the community to which they belong. They will always be available to help whoever needs it.

They are individuals who will light up when they find true love, their partner can endow them with great attractiveness. He will want to have children and leave his legacy, so that they can continue his work. They will be good heads of families, they will understand the paths that must be followed for the well-being of all.

They will have new and original ideas to solve the problems. With little attachment to material things, those protected by Mebahiah will prioritize the value of work and personal fulfillment. They could be careful with their body and have a discipline that allows them to develop it muscularly.

Professionally, these individuals perform well in the areas of human resources, public relations, gyms, sports or activities that work to improve social conditions.

How does it help us?

The angel Mebahiah will help you if you act against your moral principles, if you are only interested in material objects or if you seek to undermine matters of spirituality. He will help you if you lack tact when it comes to love due to an overly rational mind or due to false beliefs.

This guardian angel is your patron and protector and will defend you against all kinds of lies. He will also protect you from bad luck and failure. He will keep you from raising too many objections, from doubting, from being suspicious, and from fighting positive ways of thinking.

It will help if you are a demanding or self-centered person, or if you focus solely on beauty, on outward appearances, and making sure everything looks good from the outside.

Mebahiah helps you to reconnect and unite the upper and lower world. It helps you find the strength and commitment to achieve your goals and dreams.

It helps you make your thoughts and wishes come true. Have better ideas that can have optimal and concrete results.

This angel is invoked to have intellectual clarity while fulfilling our duties towards God.

Maintain a sense of morality.

Act with generosity, kindness and charity.

It will help you see fulfilled the desire to have offspring.

Help those who regenerate and improve their lives.

It grants mental clarity, intellectual lucidity and understanding of situations and the emotional side of things.

It puts material goods into perspective, as use values.

psalm to invoke him

To invoke his strength and power, first pray the chosen psalm or psalms, then call him by name and finally make the specific request you want to make.

“You rising up, you will have mercy on Zion; Because the time to have mercy on her, because the deadline has come.”

Psalm 102, verses 13.


MEBAHIAH: Eternal God.

But you, Eternal, reign in perpetuity and your memory remains from generation to generation.


MEBAHIAH: Give me, Lord, the physical strength of a Hercules, to transport without burden

on my shoulders your eternal truth, from here to there, in sweet pilgrimage, all over the


May my physical strength be in the image of your moral strength; that you can find in me,

Lord, a useful piece for your Work.

I want to be ·, MEBAHIAH, the builder, the carpenter, the one who makes the small

things that allow the truth to accommodate itself, to take a seat, to feel comfortable in the

matter; that allow him to establish himself in the dwellings of men.

MEBAHIAH exhorts:

I am the one who builds the Kingdom of God on Earth, stone by stone,

ordering with my vibrations all the elements.

I bring to men the permanent truth, filling their mortal flesh with it.

One day all matter will contain its full spiritual measure and the Earth will once again be a


But for this it is necessary that men like you carry their cross from now on

and sacrifice in it all that is matter, thus indicating the path to those who follow their


I will help you in your company; look for me in the everyday, in the insignificant, in the detail without

importance; look for me in the humble and postponed, because that is where my

glittering face