Angel of those born between August 29 and September 2

Vasariah is the guardian angel of people born between August 29 and September 2. He means «just God» and symbolizes justice, fairness and mercy. She is a female angel who symbolizes justice and generosity, Vasariah offers whoever invokes her the spirit of listening and support. You can also invoke her to find lucidity, inner light, drive away your anxieties, improve your communication, your memory, your voice and your tone.

In the hierarchy of angels it is a domination, it is part of the sefirah of Hesed, and its ruling archangel is Zadkiel. Her planetary energies are Jupiter/The Moon and she represents the element of Earth. His name means: Just God.

He symbolizes: Support. He offers you the help of the powers of heaven to give you immediate protection in case of aggression. He will also bring you the support of people in positions of power. Angel Vasariah’s birthstone is Sapphire and his colors are Colorless/Blue. Of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, he rules: Hearing.

Characteristics of the protected

Those born under the influence of this angel tend to be eloquent, sincere and quite direct people, which is why they can perform successfully in professions such as diplomacy or in the courts. Thanks to their fair and dedicated personality, they manage to surround themselves with many people, and every day of their lives they use their gifts to please God and thus serve others.

Vasariah Domination grants delight in the delicacies of life. Those who obtain their gifts like delicacies, adventure trips, meetings with friends, passionate love. Such a personality is hidden, however, under a demure and methodical appearance. They can become Superman when they tune into the «powers of heaven.» But in order to do that, it’s important to keep the source of power a secret.

How does it help us?

The angel Vasariah is usually favorable in cases in which we are legally attacked, so he should be invoked to receive favors from heavenly entities.

In case of being the attacked person who acted improperly, you must invoke it to reconcile with the adverse party, this in order to avoid being harmed.

Their capacity for analysis and good memory lead them to reach high positions, and although they are usually proud people with a strong temperament, they manage to assimilate and understand others without any problem.

The angel Vasariah is usually favorable in cases in which we are legally attacked, so he should be invoked to receive favors from heavenly entities.

The energy of this Name attracts magnetism, popularity, sensitivity to social problems, emotional issues, righteousness.

It helps you to have great imagination, ability to learn and retain the lessons of life.

In case of being the attacked person who acted improperly, you must invoke it to reconcile with the adverse party, this in order to avoid being harmed.

It favors grace and mercy for great businessmen.

He has influence over lawyers and magistrates.

He is an angel of justice, he attracts redemption to the world and comes out of evil.

It connects you with the tree of life and with the consciousness of the messianic age.

psalm to invoke him

To invoke his strength and power, first pray the chosen psalm or psalms, then call him by name and finally make the specific request you want to make.

“For the word of God is upright, and all his work is done in truth.”



The word of the Eternal is straight and all his works are carried out with fidelity.

VASARIAH, You have placed, Lord, a very hard task on my fragile shoulders.

If my previous lives have made it inevitable that I now judge my brothers,

that defends their rights and constrains them to carry out their duties, manifest yourself

in me, Lord VASARIAH, so that I myself may be an example of rectitude and order.

If I am forced to be the vehicle of your severity, help me never to be

insolent or arrogant when enunciating sentences.

Help me to feel for my brothers whom I judge that supportive sympathy that will do more

bearable the weight of punishment.

At all times and in all places, let him be a humble servant of your Law and not the

arbitrary arm of an earthly and unjust government.

VASARIAH exhorts:

I have chosen you to administer my justice, because your word is straight; because in the

memory of your past lives there were no great passions, nor emotional instances

pending, that could third your correct vision of things.

You have accepted, pilgrim, submitting the demands of your personal karma to the

necessities of the collective karma; and I want you to know that this sacrifice must be worth a


Before your eyes, all the horror that circulates through the column on the left and

you, at the foot of that column, must remain insensible to that horror, but not indifferent

to the creatures that star it.

Between pity and anger, you must know how to choose, at all times, the just punishment that has

to restore divine order.

This is the delicate task entrusted to you.

Beware of contemplating the spectacle of life from very close so as not to

impregnate yourself with the passions of the crowd, from far away, so as not to see the humans

like simple ants.

At all times and in all places, be the man of the middle ground.