It may seem that exact sciences have no relation with those things inside the world of subjectivity, however, beauty and geometry have a strong connection between them, which has always been among the most sought after curiosities of the human being.

Both mathematics and geometry have given the human being an answer regarding the finding of harmony on each object and living being on the planet. Since Ancient Greece, humans have emphasized the existence of a number which could allow to establish, in a certain way, the particular canon of beauty, or better said, the harmony of each part that constitutes everything.

The Aural umber, or gold number, is an irrational algebraic representation that was used by Phidias in many sculptures and constructions. It is youI have relation between two segments that make up a line. What is curious about this number is that it can be found both in the structures made by Phidias, and in trees, branches, seashells and sunflowers, which has given it a divine halo because of how things were created at the beginning.

This representation was taken to the aesthetic, mystic and artistic plane, to analyze the objects that kept the harmonious representation of the gold number, and as a consequence, the exact representation of beauty. Although nowadays there are some studies which question the objectivity of this ratio, its implementation in branches of architecture or art has achieved its complementation as any other basic concept.

Aside from the gold number there is also a second ratio which has almost the same value in geometric: the Fibonacci succession. Mathematician Leonardo de Pisa, known as Fibonacci, explains with a metaphor that “a man had a couple of rabbits in a controlled place, and wanted to know how much they could reproduce in one year starting with the initial couple, considering it natural that the rabbits had a partner each month, and beginning with the second they start to reproduce, then the succession would be reflected as 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 … “

These numbers pointed by Fibonacci are obtained by adding the last in the succession with the value before it, and that way successively. This relationship is intertwined with the gold number, because, like that one, it is found in diverse geometric figures, architectonic samples and in nature itself.

Another important characteristic is that between the perfect digit and the numerical succession, a new coincidence exists, which reflect the harmony of the parts that constitute everything. Fibonacci succession is presented in almost every object, before it was discovered. It was established that Fibonacci number is approximated to the irrational number established by the aural number.