The world of minerals offers a range of possibilities in terms of elements with different shapes, colors and compositions. But within all the possibilities there are always some products that stand out more than others, as is the case with the rarest stones in the world.

The rarest stones in the world are because of their shape, color or scarcity in the world. According to the 2005 Guinness Book of Records, there are 10 rarest stones in the world; these are:

Painite: It is a stone that was discovered in Myanmar in 1950. Until now it is the only place in the world where it has been seen and until the date on which this record was established, only 25 of these stones had been seen.

Later, in 2015, experts from the California Institute of Technology found new deposits in the same country. Although there are now thousands of specimens, they still represent a smaller quantity compared to other stones.

Alexandrite: It is on the list of the rarest stones thanks to its ability to change color depending on the incidence of light. Stones with this ability are known as pleochroic and are composed of chromium, iron, and chromium.

Tanzanite: many times this stone is confused with the blue sapphire, given its tonality. It is a stone that is only found in Tanzania, where it was discovered for the first time in 1960. In addition to blue, it is found in other shades such as wine and purple.

Benitoite: This stone has no gemstone characteristics, but it earns a place on this list thanks to its incandescent qualities under ultraviolet light. This striking blue stone was first found in southern California, and has also been seen in small numbers in Alaska and Japan.

Poudretteite: It is a strange stone found in the Canadian city of Quebec. This stone was first seen in the 1960s, but it was only in 2003 that a report of its unique description was obtained.

Grandidierite: It is a beautiful bluish-green specimen found exclusively in Madagascar. As with Alexandrite, this stone is pleochroic, so it changes color with the incidence of light.

red diamonds: Diamonds are found in various shades, but one of the least common is red. Of this type, the Red Moussaieff is the most famous found so far at 5.1 carats.

Musgravite: it is a mineral that is only found in Greenland, Madagascar, Antarctica and Australia. Since its discovery in 1960 to date only 8 specimens of Musgravite are known.

Jeremejevite: it is a stone first seen in Siberia at the end of the 19th century. But those specimens with characteristics to be treated and marketed have only been seen in Namibia and in limited quantities.

Scarlet emerald or red beryl: its existence was known in 1904. It is considered a beautiful and expensive stone, with characteristics similar to emerald and aquamarine. The known deposits are in Utah and New Mexico.

Knowledge about these stones is relatively new, but enough to determine that they have unique characteristics that make them beautiful and increase their value.