Zogan facial massage, the secret of youth of the Japanese

This ancient Japanese massage is the secret of the women of that country to delay the appearance of wrinkles on their face.

Have you ever wondered how Japanese women keep their skin smooth and wrinkle-free well into their old age? We fight from a young age against the lines of expression that seem not to be marked in them until they reach old age; We recently revealed one of its secrets, a very easy-to-make rice mask.

Learn the best Japanese homemade trick to rejuvenate the skin, here: https://t.co/rDh6riZdbX pic.twitter.com/DKbmKIlZl1

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) March 1, 2016

But that is not the only ace that the Japanese have up their sleeves… We discovered a very old facial massage called Zogan, which is used in Japan to rejuvenate the face of women, but you must do it every day; Don’t worry, it will only take you 7 minutes. You will need to:

  • Have a clean and makeup-free face
  • Almond, calendula or lavender oil
  • Clean hands and a mirror

Now follow the instructions in the following video published by the Japanese stylist Jukuki Tanaka, where she applies the Zogan massage to a model. Although it is in English, it is so graphic and simple that you do not need more explanation than the imitation of the movements.

Watch video

According to the portal specialized in beauty Popxo, Zogan massage helps:

  • Fade expression lines on the forehead
  • Delay the appearance of wrinkles such as crow’s feet
  • Decrease the nasogenian grooves that surround the mouth (also called “ventriloquist dummy lines”)
  • tone the face
  • Mobilize excess fluids
  • And relax facial muscles

All of the above is key so that you can show off a young and luminous face for more years, no matter how old you are. Share this note with your friends (and friends, to tell the women you know), they will surely thank you very much!