Zodiac signs that are the luckiest in love on August 31

We’ve got the Moon sextile Venus on our side, and for some signs, that means our thoughts of love and romance are sure to manifest throughout the day, which also means: keep your thoughts positive, folks!

Do not ‘accidentally’ manifest a difficult time for yourself. If we can keep it light today, we’ll find the day goes so well that the night has nothing but excitement.

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Because we also have the Moon in Scorpio sextile Venus, we could easily fall into dark thoughts and paranoid visions. Avoid this! Stay in the light, friends, as this day has so much power that we can consider ourselves magicians at the end of the night. What we think about today becomes.

So keep it sweet, keep it loving, and hold on to the idea that your mind is the engine by which your reality comes into being. And when ‘love’ is the theme, that’s something pretty special. Stay sweet, signs!

Return to the Moon in sextile with Venus. Take advantage of today’s good vibes that are on the side of lovers everywhere.

This is a great day to spend quality time with the person you love, and it would not be a bad idea to renew some vows or talk about the dreams you still have to fulfill together. Keep it positive and you will own the world. Enjoy the day!

Which three zodiac signs will be luckier in love on August 31, 2022?

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

This day is exactly what you needed: a day filled with nothing but levity and a lack of drama. Imagine that! If you can accept this and know that with the Moon sextile Venus, you can enjoy the quiet of the day and you will be able to release so much stress and tension that you will feel like a new person at the end of the day.

For the first time in a long time, you and the person you love can take a little time to do what you want. Today is not the day for intense conversations, although inspiring thoughts may arise.

What will be quite obvious is the lack of drama. Neither of you have any complaints for the day, and there are no outside circumstances to get in the way of whatever you’re doing together. Honor peace by letting it happen; Be a part of what makes this day so beautiful.

2. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You can take this day however you want, so do yourself a favor and look for the positive. In this way, your mood can become contagious and your partner will quickly realize where you can go this day. With the Moon sextile Venus, you will be comfortable with whatever comes your way, and the tendency to manifest things in an optimistic way will be omnipresent.

On this day, August 31, the last day of August, you and your spouse will be anxious to be a part of each other’s lives. Don’t be surprised if your partner begins to show interest in something she’s always wanted you to do together.

This transit, the Moon sextile Venus, encourages couples to be together and do new things that could end up as happy lifestyle choices. Stay healthy together and support each other’s ability to grow and learn.

3. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

It is the last day of August and, strangely enough, this day makes you look forward to autumn and September in particular. These are good days for you and your partner, and during the Moon in sextile with Venus, you want to take advantage of the good feelings.

While things can be done very simply today, it’s the «little things» that count, and it seems like your partner has thought of you today, except as a gift.

You are the apple of their eyes and they want you to know it, but they will not give it too much importance; instead, they will only provide you with something you have wanted for a long time.

You are so lucky, Virgo, because you are loved by someone who has not forgotten you, nor forgotten the things you love to do and are a part of. Today shows you how lucky you are and how you really found the love of your life in the couple you are present with.