Why do I have bad breath even though I brush my teeth?

Halitosis or bad breath is a problem that we all suffer from, and it is a false belief that it disappears when we brush our teeth. Then, Why do I have bad breath even though I brush my teeth?

The truth is that poor oral hygiene, the consumption of some very spicy foods and to diseases that alter our metabolism can cause us this uncomfortable problem.

In most cases the cause is in the mouth, although it can also be in the stomach or in other parts of the digestive system. These are some of the possible causes.

Why do I have bad breath if I brush my teeth?

Pay attention to the factors that can affect this uncomfortable problem.

The first answer to: I brush my teeth and I still have bad breath, is the food

The chewing and disintegration of the particles that make up the food inside the mouth can increase the amount of bacteria and cause a bad smell, especially when they contain foods such as garlic, onion or different spicy foods.

After digesting them, their components pass into the blood and from there they are distributed throughout the body, including the lungs, where they can again be expelled as part of breathing, repeating bad breath.


Tobacco products also produce a bad mouth odor. In addition, smokers are at increased risk of gum disease, another possible cause of bad breath.

poor dental hygiene

Yes you don’t brush your teeth daily, food particles remain between the teeth, and their decomposition can be the cause of the bad smell. Before long, a whitish, pasty layer of bacteria forms on your teeth, called plaque. If not removed by brushing, plaque can irritate the gums and end up filling the gaps between the teeth and gums, a problem called periodontitis.

The tongue can also be filled with odor-causing bacteria.

dry mouth

Saliva helps clean the mouth by removing particles that cause bad breath, but when our mouth dries out, the process is interrupted.

This occurs naturally after a night’s sleep, and is made worse if you sleep with your mouth open, either out of habit or because of nasal congestion. A health problem called xerostomia can contribute to halitosis because it reduces saliva production.


Some medications indirectly contribute to bad breath by reducing or hindering saliva production. Others do not do it directly when they break down in the bloodstream and some of their components are eliminated through breathing.

oral infections

Surgical wounds after an intervention, for example the extraction of a tooth, or problems such as an infection of a tooth or gums can also contribute to causing bad breath.

How to know if bad breath comes from the liver?

Bad breath it can also be a sign of liver disorders, such as cirrhosis or liver failure. It is very common that it occurs when the gases (aliphatic acids and sulfur compounds) lodged in this important organ, are absorbed but not processed in the correct way, transported in the blood to the lungs where they are volatilized. Hence, a bad smell can be generated when speaking or just opening your mouth.

Other mouth, nose, or throat problems

If after reading the above factors you are still wondering Why does my mouth smell when I brush my teeth? keep in mind that bad breath sometimes comes from small cysts that form on the tonsils and become coated with bacteria, causing the odour. Infections and inflammations in the nose, nasal passages, or throat and to the stomach can also have this effect.

Why do I have bad breath even if I brush my teeth if it is none of the above? There are other causes

Some diseases, such as certain types of cancer, and other pathologies such as metabolic disorders or gastric reflux can also influence bad breath.

All of the above causes have treatments and solutions that may even be at your fingertips. comment what else can cause bad breath and how did you fix it.

How to get rid of bad breath fast?

Maintain optimal oral hygiene (regular tooth brushing, flossing, constantly changing your toothbrush, washing your tongue, cleaning orthodontic elements) also take care of your diet, and visit your doctor to rule out major problems.

What are the diseases that cause bad breath?

There are several, among the main ones are: dry mouth, bruxism, cavities, gum disease, plaque and tartar, it can also be derived from more serious pathologies of the digestive system.

With information from: Report 21