For centuries it was thought that the main difference between humans and animals was intelligence. However, little by little, research is tearing down this false idea based on human egocentrism and the doors have begun to open towards the understanding that other animals have capacities that can surprise us. A completely different picture begins to emerge and then we see beyond the simple patterns of behavior between species. But among all of them, which is the most intelligent animal in the world? biologists wonder.
Crowning one of the species at the peak of intelligence is complicated in various ways. To assert that one animal is more intelligent than another, one would first have to stipulate a completely measurable and observable scale to quantify intelligence. However, such a thing does not even exist for humans, that although we have the Intellectual Quotient, it only measures certain cognitive aspects that do not fully encompass the complexity of the mind.
Something similar happens with animals, their abilities can be put to the test and their ability to solve different problems or their adaptability can be observed. However, it could not be said which one possesses greater intelligence than another. Under this context, it can be said that then there are animals whose capacities are remarkable from others. And to get to know them, here you can consult a list of the most intelligent animals according to various investigations.
The chimpanzee is the closest animal to humans, they share 98% of their DNA with us and therefore their cognitive abilities are similar to ours in a certain sense. They have the ability to reason under a complex structured logic. They are good at solving problems and are even able to understand languages such as sign language. And another characteristic that they share with humans is that they use and manufacture small tools that help them in their day to day. Such as the use of sticks as ant traps. For these reasons, the chimpanzee is considered the most intelligent mammal with the greatest cognitive abilities, behind humans.
bottlenose dolphin
Dolphins have one of the largest brains in relation to their body, among animals. Whales also walk this path, sperm whales have the largest brain in the entire animal kingdom. It is therefore not surprising that they possess great intelligence.
It is known that dolphins communicate through whistles that move at different frequencies and that the interpretation that these cetaceans give to each whistle depends on them. It seems that they have managed to develop a complex language that researchers are still trying to decode and understand.
Among the birds, crows stand out among all for having extremely important learning and understanding capacities. Like chimpanzees, they consciously use tools to make tasks easier for themselves. But among his most surprising abilities is his mathematical ability. Research has shown that they can understand the difference between zero and nothing, a capacity that is of the order of complex abstraction.
Although perhaps they have earned their fame thanks to their behaviors that make us doubt our very conscience. They have been found to be sensitive to events they deem unfair and to ensure equality among flock members. They do not forgive and keep their reservations once an individual breaks with the conditions of equality among his fellow men. Their social intelligence is also very advanced.
The ant is the most intelligent invertebrate in the kingdom and it is not surprising since it is the insect with the largest brain mass. Their intricate colony structure has led them to develop survival skills that involve shared learning. They are known to share knowledge with each other to find the food sources necessary for their survival. Added to this is the distribution of labor among the colonies, so they work as a team and for the good of all.
We do not want to offend any kind of sensitivity, but animal behavior researchers place the dog as the most intelligent domestic animal. Until now, only one animal is known to be capable of interpreting the human mood, just by reading the expression on the face, and those are dogs. Dogs have the ability to learn quickly and their adaptive intelligence is very wide, since they can learn from their own experiences in different environments.
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