What Cristina Hurtado did on Instagram caused a stir

An innocent question from Cristina Hurtado on Instagram sparked a pitched battle among her followers.

There is a popular belief that men prefer blondesIs it true or is it a myth? One of the most famous blondes in our country made her followers think about this topic.

This was Cristina Hurtado’s question on Instagram

«Which prefer?»

Cristina wrote along with two photos: one where she appears blonde, as we know her, and another with black hair.

Right away his followers got into a discussion: some said blonde and others, with brown hair.

Barbies look good on everything


You both look beautiful but the blonde looks better on you, beautiful lady


You definitely look prettier black, your eye color is more noticeable, divine, a complete Kardashian


Blonde Cristina, you look divine!


You look a bit like Andrea Serna in this photo, you look good with dark hair. But your blonde hair highlights your pretty look more.


In fact It is not the first time that this presenter has made such a radical change in her hairbecause before he had surprised his followers with a darker color.

After seeing these images, you might think that Cristina looks better «naturally», that is, blonde… Well, no! You will be surprised to know that her natural hair tone is dark.

To check it, just look at some of the old photos that she herself shared on her Instagram account…

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