Weekly horoscope, these are the predictions, sign by sign, from September 06 to 12

This weekly horoscope is much cooler than the last few weeks and will bring good vibes to everyone. Venus enter the extravagant Leo the 6 of Septemberadding passion to their hearts and generosity to their wallets.

the sun of Virgo connects with Jupiterwhich is retrograde in Capricornthe 9 September, expanding your ego and your desires. Mars retrograde starts the September 9 and lasts until November 13 at the sign Aries.

During this time, you will have trouble getting tasks started and off the ground. However, with the right determination, you can make anything happen. the sun of Virgo opposes Neptunewhich is retrograde in Piscesthe 11 of Septemberwhich adds an ambiguous atmosphere to your life, which can be used creatively. Jupiter ends its four-month retrograde journey on September 12. Then you will experience growth at a deep level.

Be sure to also look at your rising sign.


It’s natural for you to excel at everything you do, so you’ll be receiving lots of love and appreciation from your boss and co-workers this week. Lean on his successes right now and don’t take him for granted. Show off your wins now. After all, you’ve earned it!


If you go into a situation without knowing the whole truth, you will feel like you are the victim of a great deception. Be honest with others to make sure you can get the same in return. Set the temperature for the relationship, then you can expect to be treated that way.


Don’t let the negative talk inside your mind stop you from achieving your dreams. Start thinking positively and embrace your passions. Ignore all the naysayers. Move towards your goals this week. You will discover that you are capable of winning whatever you put your mind and heart into.


Stop letting people define who you are. Only you know how amazing it is and you don’t need any validation to prove yourself. Acknowledge the incredible attributes and successes you can and have brought into the world. Then, you will totally regain your confidence and feel amazing!


A little drama in the office is possible, as a result of miscommunication with your colleagues. Before you start showing off as a reaction to his rudeness, she takes a step back and tries to remedy the problem. You will see that you can catch more flies with honey, not defensively.


It’s time for you to let your feelings be known! Stop hiding your heart and emotions from those you care about. The only one who ends up suffering is you, because you are not letting your feelings out. Therefore, no one can reciprocate or show affection in return. Speak Now!


Whenever you have questions, you know you can turn to your friends for support and guidance. This week is no different. But you are learning that you have to return all the love they give you in return to show them that you appreciate them.


This week a new professional opportunity is approaching. However, it is not the ideal offer that I expected. Don’t despair! You can negotiate the exact terms of the contract or even wait for another position (coming soon). It’s okay to keep your options open right now.


We all make mistakes at one time or another. And, unfortunately, you are no different. However, you can set yourself apart from others by acknowledging the situations in which you have been less scrupulous. Most likely, the people you have to make peace with will leave you.


Often, you let situations get to you and affect you. Learn to take all your setbacks in stride, your victories with gratitude, and let go. In this way, you can stay grounded through the emotional ups and downs that will come your way this week.


Understanding your inner motives and desires will require a lot of energy this week. Before you fall down the rabbit hole of anxiously criticizing all of your emotional decisions, be rational. You will find that you reached such conclusions based on the facts at hand. Don’t second-guess your choices.


Your heart is full of excitement and longing for romance. Keep your eyes, ears and heart open for a new crush that will unexpectedly come your way. If you are currently in a situation or relationship, you can expect the bond you both share to deepen this week.