Wave of criticism of Daniela Ospina for kissing Salomé on the mouth

Netizens launched A whole wave of criticism of Daniela Ospina for kissing Salomé on the mouthWell, apparently many did not see it with good eyes.

The beautiful former athlete, businesswoman and ex-wife of soccer player James Rodríguez, who in days gone by She stole all the praise from her followers by showing off her toned figure in a revealing bikini.is once again on the lips of hundreds of Internet users, but this time for a completely different topic.

Ospina is one of the celebrities with the most interaction on her social networks, as she constantly shares photos, stories or videos with which she entertains her thousands of fans. However, although most of her content is well received, in recent days He shared a story with his daughter with which he sparked a whole discussion.

This was the wave of criticism of Daniela Ospina for kissing Salomé on the mouth

Well, in the boomerang type clip The paisa appeared receiving a kiss on the mouth from her little daughter Salomé, as a gesture of affection between mother and daughter. This unleashed a storm of comments among Internet users, who claimed that it is not right and «it is not proper behavior.»

«What I do not understand is the need to do it, it does not look good, it is not good, there is no need», «Very true… it does not look good and more so coming from a public figure», «Lesbianism is promoted and then they are complaining😢”, “It is not appropriate behavior… Love towards our children is not shown in that way.”, “Yes, everyone, but one should not kiss their children on the mouth”.

It should be noted that in the same way, many others defended the businesswoman, assuring that it is only an endearing way of expressing love for her daughter.

And you, How do you see the kiss between the paisa and her daughter? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your networks!