Vitamin D deficiency: Could your back pain be caused by this deficiency?

Vitamin D is very important for your overall health and well-being. One of the best ways to top up the so-called ‘sunshine vitamin’ is to take daily supplements. Lack of the essential vitamin and not taking supplements could lead to back pain.

The vitamin D Helps maintain bone health in various ways, as it helps the body absorb calcium.

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Experiencing low back pain can be a sign of inadequate levels of vitamin D in the blood.

Large observational studies have found a relationship between a deficiency and chronic low back pain.

One study examined the association between levels of vitamin D and back pain in more than 9,000 older women.

The researchers found that those with a deficiency were more likely to have Back painincluding severe back pain that limited his daily activities.

One study looked at vitamin D supplementation and how it might improve Back pain.

The study suggested that Vitamin D supplementation may improve back pain disability in adults with vitamin D deficiency and who are overweight or obese.

The study found a «significantly» greater reduction in back pain disability scores in the vitamin D group compared to the placebo group.

Commenting on their findings, the study authors wrote: “Although treating severe vitamin D deficiency is recommended to optimize bone health, this study suggests it may also improve back pain.

«Therefore, evidence of deficiency of vitamin D in people with back pain who are overweight or obese may be justified.

Other large observational studies Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to chronic low back pain.

One study examined the association between vitamin D levels and back pain in more than 9,000 older women.

The researchers found that those with a deficiency were more likely to have back pain, including severe back pain that limited their daily activities.

Interestingly, in another study that linked back pain to vitamin D deficiency, men were significantly more likely to have a deficiency compared to women.