Ventino premiered «Meet us again»

Christmas came and the Ventino group premiered “Volvernos aencontrar”, a beautiful song that is perfect for this season.

With their mighty voices Natalia Afanador, Maria Cristina (Makis), Olga Vives and Camila Esguerra They invite us to the union in the most beautiful time of the year.

Enjoy the video that Ventino premiered «Meet us again»

“For all of us, Christmas is the favorite time of the year and what better way than to celebrate this moment with music and more so in this year in which we all long to see each other again and reunite with our loved ones”

Ventino on his new song Meet us again.

Meet Again stands out for have a touch of bolero, something that gives romance, warmth and tranquility to the song.

The song already has more than 50 thousand views on YouTube and a large number of followers have congratulated them on their social networks for their message.

Some time ago the lovely girls from Ventino made some versions of his songs “singing A Carro Herido” with Jao Bonilla.

Who or who would you like to meet again this end of the year? If you liked the song share it with your friends and loved ones.