Tips for sleeping well on hot days

Summer 2021 has already begun and a phenomenon that many people have been able to notice is that the high temperatures of the day extend even well into the night.

In many cases, this thermal sensation prevents falling asleep normally, which, according to studies, can cause irritability and/or higher levels of anxiety.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 20% of the population suffers from temporary difficulties sleeping during the summer.

Air conditioners are becoming more common in homes, and having one can help you sleep better and improve that feeling of chronic discomfort and bad mood. But it is necessary to take into account some recommendations for correct use, especially during the dreaded «heat waves». Daikina leader in air conditioning, delivers the following advice:

  • Adjust the thermostat between 23-24°C. Each degree that the temperature is lowered will mean a consumption of 8% more energy.
  • Do not set the unit at a temperature lower than 22-23°Csince it will not cool faster and will result in an unnecessary expense of electricity consumption.
  • It must be remembered that a difference in temperature between the interior and exterior of the house higher than 12°C is not healthy.
  • Lowering the temperature of the room before going to sleep, either by cooling the atmosphere or using the air conditioner in Night mode, saves energy, since it prevents the room from cooling down excessively during the night.
  • It is important to clean the filters on a regular basis to improve the performance of the equipment. It helps save energy and prevents the accumulation of dust or other particles that can cause bad odours.
  • Develop a routine, with a time for both going to bed and getting up.
  • Create a suitable environment. Lower the curtains in the room so that light does not enter, turn off the television, laptop and cell phone for at least one hour before going to bedin order to avoid light pollution and not alter the quality of sleep.
  • Wear comfortable clothes to rest. Take a warm shower to relax and leave the stresses of work behind. Perform some stretches to loosen up your muscles.
  • Have a light dinner 3 hours before bedtime. Neither drink alcohol in excess nor smoke.
  • Avoid very long naps. Maximum of 20 minutes.
  • Leave the coffee for the afternoon. That way you won’t stay up late at night.
  • exercise regularly, but not shortly before bed because it could affect the ability to fall asleep. Intense exercises are best done during the day to keep you active, in a good mood, and full of energy.
  • Use the bed only to sleepNot to work or to eat.
  • Avoid drinking a lot of fluids before bed to avoid getting up in the morning to go to the bathroom.