This is what Amparo Grisales did to her sister

On different occasions, several people have affirmed that it is very difficult to work with Amparo Grisales but this time her sister, also an actress Patricia Grisales, confirmed it.

During an interview with the famous entertainment program on Channel 1, the sister of the Colombian diva, as she calls herself; She assured that on one occasion she «made her cry.»

However, Patricia Grisales assured that working with her helped her to be a better professional. These were the statements she gave

“Amparo is a very professional person, she is a very dedicated person and I have learned that from her.” She also stated that it was a perfect opportunity to learn.

On the other hand, the actress assured that during a time she lived through difficult times in terms of the economic part. Although she was a little late, she managed to recover and now enjoys a good moment in her life and professional career.

What do you think of the diva from Colombia, do you agree with many who say that she is arrogant, proud or, on the contrary, believe that she is a good person.

If you agree with the sister you can share the note on social networks and also if you want you can comment.