This is how Jessica Bohórquez, former Bichos presenter, looks

The Bichos program came to an end in September of last year. Recently, a Bichos presenter was quite criticized for posting a skimpy photo of clothes.

Jessica Bohórquez, became known in the Xs factor of 2006, when she was in the group Rk Kids. Although they didn’t make it to the finals, they did quite well because they were the second group to be eliminated. Of all the members of the group, the only one who continued in music was Sebastián Suárez.

This was the photo of their last reunion:

Jessica Bohórquez was also part of this group, but she did not continue in the world of music. In 2012, She debuted as a presenter on the Bichos program when she was just 11 years old.. She is currently 27 years old and is an influencer and presenter for Win Sports.

Although she is very flattered in networks for her beauty, in one of the last photos she uploaded, she caused quite a bit of controversy. Many of her followers criticized her because they say she is too small to show her body that way..

These were some of the comments: “Uyyy, he’s getting naked soon”, “Soho.soho…”, “Well, well, will you calm down??”, “Jessi, you’re sick with a cold or something”, “And now what’s next? ???” and “So small and already doing nudes”.

She is not the first participant of the Xs Factor who is criticized for her Instagram photos, they have already passed through that situation Salome and Shaira. Did you remember this Bichos presenter? Do not forget to leave your comment on social networks.

With information from: Instagram