They postpone ‘Who is the mask?’, where Alejandra Azcárate participated

They postpone ‘Who is the mask?’, where Alejandra Azcárate participated. Instead the RCN Channel decided to put on another program.

For several weeks the Canal RCN had been announcing with great fanfare the launch of the new program ‘Who is the mask?’an entertainment show in which stars of the Creole entertainment participated as the actress Lina Tejeiro, the singer llane (former member of the group Piso 21), and comedians Peter Albeiro, Juanda Caribe Y Alejandra Azcarate.

However, although the announcement was already made even on the channel’s networks, during the night hours of May 26 it became known that the long-awaited show would no longer go, since in its place will come ‘MasterChef Celebrity’, in its new edition.

Why do they postpone ‘Who is the mask?’, where Alejandra Azcárate participated?

In this regard, many wonder why the sudden change, and although the channel did not explain the reasons, it is believed that everything was due to the drug trafficking scandal that these days involves the husband of one of the jurors of the show, ‘La Azcárate’.

Well, on the morning of the 26th, the Investigative Journalism Agency reported that the national authorities seized a small plane on the island of Providencia. This transported more than 440 kilograms of cocaine hydrochloridebelonging to Miguel Jaramillo, husband of the comedian and actress.

Although she herself has already given her statements in this regard, assuring that her husband is nothing more than a victim of the situation, So far it is known that Jaramillo continues in the process.

But this would not be the only reason…

Well, in recent days, another of the program’s figures was involved in an embarrassing controversy. It is about nothing more and nothing less than the humorist Peter Albeiro, who starred in a shower of hints along with his ex-wife, who blamed him for infidelity.

It should be noted that so far the channel has not denied or confirmed the rumors, and the next date for the launch of this program is unknown.

And you, What do you think is the reason why Canal RCN postponed this launch? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your networks!