The photos of Aida Merlano’s daughter in Soho

The escape of former congresswoman Aida Merlano has given much to talk about and now it was his daughter with her photos in Soho magazine.

At the beginning of October, Aida escaped, after being sentenced to 15 years in prison for electoral crimes. His children were also involved in the case, because they were in the dental office before the escape. The young woman had as lawyers Harold Vega Already Andrew Knightbut they decided do not follow the case. During an interview, Vega said that her decision was based on the statements made by the young woman in some media. She finally added: «it’s her style, a person of legal age, free to give the statements they consider, but it is a style that is not ours and that does not have our favorable opinion”.

In January of this year, Aida’s daughter, Karoline Manzaneda Merlano, decided to change her name to her mother’s. Currently The young woman is 20 years old and is the eldest of 2 children.. Your interview on The Informants caused a stir when he confessed the affair between businessman Julio Gerlein Echeverría and his mother. He also said that he has been like a father to her and that at some point the couple thought about marriage, but it never happened because he is a married man.

Aida Merlano’s daughter left more than one sighing with her appearance in Caracol, but now several were shocked by her quite suggestive photographs for Soho. She told in an interview that he did not charge anything to the magazine, she only did it to feel liberated. Here are some of her photos:

Tell us what you think about the photos of Aida Merlano’s daughter and don’t forget to share these photos with your friends.

With information from: Pulse