The luckiest day this week for each zodiac sign, from April 18 to 24

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and one of the rulers of Venus, the planet of love. This earth sign is known for his preference for physical luxury.

Whether it’s new sheets, clothes, or a completely different direction, this incoming energy will cause you to re-evaluate what you need to feel good physically.

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There is also a sense of self worth that comes this week as you recognize if it is something for your home or even a relationship that deserves to be nurtured and treated in a way that is aligned with that.

Although the lucky once-in-a-lifetime Jupiter-Neptune conjunction occurred on April 12, it is an energy that will be in effect throughout the month, so it is important to pay attention to the ways that the waves of destiny are working on your own. life so that you can make the best use of this time.

This week’s focus will be on home and relationships thanks to the start of the season with Taurus and Juno, the asteroid that rules marriage, entering Pisces.

It’s time to address many of the relationship dynamics you’ve been aware of since the beginning of the year.

Juno in Pisces brings with it the highest ideal for marriage or commitment that is strengthened by cosmic lovers, with Mars and Venus being in this same sign.

It’s about love, but it’s also about the commitment you owe to yourself.

The one in which you no longer hope to delay your own happiness by the illusion of the right moment, but decide to simply act knowing that you deserve to live your life, your way.

The luckiest day for your zodiac sign the week of April 18 to 24, 2022:


luckiest day: April 17th

After the Libra Full Moon lights up your relationships, you should keep riding high on that path of positivity today. It’s a wonderful day to make some more lasting changes in your relationship and incorporate more of a sense of partnership.


Luckiest day: April 19th

It’s the beginning of Taurus season, which means the Sun has once again returned to your zodiac sign.

This represents a time when you should feel more secure and able to embrace your own truth. Life will also begin to magically align for you during this season.


Luckiest day: April 20th

Juno, the asteroid of love, marriage and contracts, returns to Pisces today, turning the focus on your career.

This is a fantastic time to accept a new job offer or even a position within your current workplace.

With Pisces, the energy here will be one that leads to a more fulfilling role and higher quality time outside of the workday.


Luckiest day: April, the 21st

The Moon is in Capricorn today, bringing your emotional focus into your romantic life. Use this as an opportunity to be grateful for all that you currently have and have experienced through your relationship.

Today brings an elevated level of happiness and peace to your home and family life.


Luckiest day: April 23rd

Today brings the last quarter moon to Aquarius. This asks you to reflect on what you need to transition or change in order for you to feel more fulfilled in your relationships.

This may represent more of a personal belief or way of life, but it will allow you to create more space in your life for what you really want.


Luckiest day: April 20th

Juno, the asteroid of love and marriage, moves into Pisces today, highlighting your romantic life. Joining Jupiter, Neptune, Mars, and Venus, this should be an amazing time for you and new love possibilities that have higher potential for long-term commitment.


Luckiest day: April 19th

Taurus in your chart represents passion and the ability to change. As this zodiac season begins today, you can expect this area of ​​your life to begin to transform. Not only will this positively affect your relationship, especially if chemistry has been lacking lately, but it will also allow you to recreate your life the way you’ve been dreaming of.


Luckiest day: April 23rd

On this date, the Moon is in Aquarius, which triggers a reflection on your home and family life.

You have been moving toward changes in this area that help you feel more aligned and happier.

Today you should be able to take some big steps to create what you’re looking for, just remember that no matter how big something seems, it’s always the small steps that make it happen.


Luckiest day: April 20th

Pisces rules your home and family life, which has been in the spotlight ever since cosmic lovers Mars and Venus joined Neptune and Jupiter here.

Today, when Juno slips into Pisces and joins the party, it means that marriage and engagement will come to the forefront of her mind.

A proposal is also not out of the question. A truly lucky day in love.


Luckiest day: April 23rd

The Moon will be in Capricorn all day today, bringing you a wide variety of successes and luck in multiple areas of your life.

The Moon intersects with Venus, Neptune and Jupiter, making you feel better about yourself and more confident in whatever you choose to undertake. An unstoppable day for you.


Luckiest day: April 22

Today brings the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius, the last significant lunar event before the mighty eclipse in just a week. Reflect on what you need to let go or transform so that you can get to the next level of your life that you are dreaming of. Speak your truth and don’t let the past define the present.


Luckiest day: April 20th

There’s no way you won’t feel the excess of planets in your sign anymore, but today, when Juno, the asteroid that rules love and marriage, moves into your star sign, things take a surprising turn.

What seemed impossible now is the reality that is in front of you. Marriage, living together, or even a deeper level of commitment are all on the table now. Stay open and trust that what comes to you is always meant for you.