The luckiest day of the month for each zodiac sign for May 2022

Last month saw Jupiter’s only connection to Neptune in Pisces, but this month is the season of eclipses and Mercury retrograde, which means the changes are not only being supported but encouraged.

However, May has a very different vibe than April and it is with the influx of Aries energy that you will be encouraged to start creating your own destiny and taking advantage of the amazing opportunities that are coming your way.

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This begins on May 2 when Venus enters Aries and you start to feel less like waiting for things to happen and more like making them happen.

However, this is the key to luck, it is not just about waiting for the amazing opportunity or day to arrive, but about recognizing your own power to create those moments for yourself.

One of the most auspicious days of the month is May 11.

In numerology, eleven is one of the two master numbers that represent fate, destiny, and the ability to build steps toward a future that is connected to your purpose.

What makes this day even more fortunate is that there is a union between Jupiter and Uranus, both at eleven degrees.

Jupiter is the lucky planet, while Uranus is known as the great awakener.

This is truly a day to reckon with, as Extremely lucky opportunities will abound that will impact the rest of your life.

The one thing to keep in mind as you approach Gemini season is that luck is often a choice.

It represents being able to create something you dream of instead of continuing the beaten path of what you have already known.

It is an opportunity to change direction and really make the most of all the opportunities that the universe is trying to gift you. Sometimes it’s just deciding to finally unwrap it.

Here’s what the luckiest day of the month is for each zodiac sign, May 2022.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

luckiest day: May 10

Jupiter is the planet that rules abundance and luck and today it returns home to land in your sign. This should expand all the possibilities for you and make you feel like you’re flying high.

There’s nothing you can’t accomplish during this time, and you really should feel inspired to take advantage of every amazing opportunity the universe has to offer because luck really is in your sign, especially today.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Luckiest day: May 16

After your Black New Moon Solar Eclipse last month, you may have been wondering when it would feel like a little luck was finally coming your way, well today is your chance.

The Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is today, and it will bring some beautiful opportunities for your love life. Whether it’s a new partner, the first date, or even something bigger, this is a day to embrace what it truly feels like to feel lucky in love.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

luckiest day: May 30

Although his zodiacal season begins on the 20th, today serves as his annual New Moon. This is a great opportunity to bring luck and new intentions into your life.

They will be magnified because it is your own New Moon, so it is also a wonderful time to let go of any lingering ideas of what you think you should do and really embrace the power of your own authenticity.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

luckiest day: 15 th of May

Astrology hasn’t necessarily been peaceful for you lately or created many moments where you could really see that the universe was on your side. Although today is different.

The asteroid Ceres, known as Mother Earth, enters your sign today and brings you a sense of compassion and peace. It will also be an opportunity to make healthier choices in all aspects of your life, which of course will create an understanding that how lucky you feel is also related to how good you feel.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Luckiest day: May 8

Your first lunar quarter today is in Leo, a happy medium between eclipses and a portal to make the most of the opportunities that come your way.

First quarter moons represent Yang energy, meaning there is action behind it. The message is clear that for you the luck you seek is represented by the actions you take, so do not hesitate to make a risky move today.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

luckiest day: May 24

Vesta, the asteroid that rules over your own inner flame and divine spirit, moves into Pisces today. This also speaks to keeping home fires warm within your home environment. In Pisces it means that miracles are on the way. If you’ve been looking for guidance or wanting to improve your home, today is the day to make it happen by remembering who you really are and how much you’re worth.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Luckiest day: May 10

Jupiter enters Aries today, prompting you to stretch out and see lucky opportunities in your closest relationships. Things will start to feel magically better and seem to line up.

If you have been waiting for a sign in your relationship or someone new you have been dating, today is the day to receive it. And make sure you’re not afraid to go after what you want once you realize it’s for you.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

luckiest day: May 16

Your first eclipse of the year dawns today and will bring with it a deep healing energy. This will separate you from the person you have been and the person you are now.

You will feel freer and lighter, allowing you to make the most of the moments of luck that the universe presents instead of turning your back on it out of fear. Remember, even you are allowed to go beyond what you once thought you wanted.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Luckiest day: May 24

One more planetary body has its say in Pisces this month, and that’s Vesta, the asteroid that rules your inner flame and that connection you feel with home.

Pisces rules your home and family life, which means today offers you the chance to reconnect with this part of yourself about what you really need so you can see how the universe is conspiring to help make this happen. Luck is all around you if you are willing to see it.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

luckiest day: 15 th of May

After so many changes and periods of growth, today, Ceres, the asteroid that governs our health, will be returning today to Cancer. Cancer is your opposite sign and the one that gives you balance.

This also allows you to rest and remember how to take care of yourself so that you feel empowered to take advantage of new lucky opportunities that come your way. Don’t be afraid to let go of the past so you can truly live in your present.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

luckiest day: May 8

You will get a truly magical moment in your relationships when the First Quarter Moon occurs in Leo on this day. This will be one of those times where you feel validated and affirmed by your partner and it will forever change your dynamic.

Your walls have already come crashing down, now it’s all about being in the right place at the right time to see what kind of magic the universe can truly bring when you’re ready to receive it.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

luckiest day: May 24

Vesta, the asteroid that rules your inner flame and fire will return to your sign today. If you have not yet met your twin flame or divine partner or if you are just beginning your journey with them, today offers you the opportunity to draw this relationship deeper into your life. When you recognize your own inner flame and truly feed it, you will finally burn bright enough to attract what is meant for you.