The luckiest day for each zodiac sign during the week of June 6-12, 2022

This week, as the energy builds up to the dramatic Full Moon in Sagittarius, the opportunities will help propel you further towards your dreams.

It’s a calmer week astrologically with fewer planets aligning with each other or changing zodiac signs.

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Still, it doesn’t mean that this means it’s time to let your guard down.

Crescent Moon in Virgo starts the week with a great healing energy that can help you organize your life and your thoughts to be clear about what steps you should take in this new journey that is manifesting in front of you.

Virgo is an incredibly detailed zodiac sign, while the first quarter of the moon represents the ability to make lasting decisions.

It’s time to take advantage of the opportunities that the universe is giving you to level up within your own life.

Mercury in Taurus now directly rules healthy communication, so when it crosses Pluto in Capricorn, it creates a theme of being able to be more emotionally vulnerable when expressing your needs and feelings.

This is the core of what the beginning of the week is about. You are vulnerable enough to your truth that you begin to build your life on it instead of the expectations or desires of others.

This sets you up for the Full Moon in Sagittarius, which will bring some dramatic truth statements. Also, when Venus and Uranus come together in Taurus to bring about dramatic changes and turns.

Venus is the planet that rules love, real estate, and anything of value. Uranus is the great awakener, the planet that brings unexpected and shocking changes to your life.

Together, this happens only once a year and usually guarantees amazing fireworks and gifts from the universe for your love life, finances, and even both.

As the continuing story of the universe unfolds, this week is all about honoring your truth so you don’t let a single opportunity slip through your fingers.

Here is the luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign from June 6 to 12, 2022.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

luckiest day: Saturday June 11

Think about what you have spent the most time dreaming about or wishing for. Begin to realize that nothing is stopping you from achieving it, except that you are holding yourself back for imaginary reasons why it can’t work.

With Mars now in your zodiac sign and Venus and Uranus presenting some incredible opportunities, it’s time for you to break free to take advantage of them.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

luckiest day: Sunday June 12

The union of Venus with Uranus in Taurus will be powerful for anyone, but for you, it has the ability to change the rest of your year, if not your life.

Find where you’ve seen developments and growth recently, but have been slow to act. This energy brings amazing movement in an area that you felt was stagnant. Your only job is to trust whatever comes up to not let this go. Whether it is love or money, it will still be a victory for you.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

luckiest day: Tuesday June 7

The first quarter of the moon in Virgo will bring up decisions about your home and family that are part of a larger cycle. So look back and see how your life has changed in the last six months.

You may be in a position to start that new chapter. You just have to decide to take it. Don’t let anything from the past ruin your feelings in the present.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

luckiest day: Saturday June 11

The Moon will be in Scorpio all day, bringing out your most authentic voice. This is incredibly beneficial for you because it allows you to speak your truth without worrying about the feelings of who you are hurting or the opinions of others.

You are encouraged to be as vulnerable and expressive as necessary. You can take a creative role to stop letting other people decide how you live your life.

Leon (July 23 – August 22)

Luckiest day: Sunday June 5

When the Moon is in your zodiac sign, it can bring feelings, especially those that you normally hold onto. However, today should serve as a reminder that this is the most authentic part of yourself and that acting with conviction about your feelings is a gift that you have.

Do not doubt your feelings. Make sure you harness this energy, trusting that it is the only way forward to ensure that things are different this time.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

luckiest day: Tuesday June 7

Your own crescent moon in Virgo is set to make waves in the coming week. This peaks on June 7, but may be in effect from June 6-8. Be on the lookout for those opportunities. You will need to make decisions quickly and review the choices you have already made in the past.

You should feel more secure in knowing what is for you and what is not. This foundation is the foundation for you to truly create a healthier way of living.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

luckiest day: Thursday June 9

Mercury in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn align today as the Moon moves into your zodiac sign of Libra. Today, you should spend time honoring your own feelings, especially if you often keep them to yourself.

Obviously, with Venus and Uranus joining this week, love is in the air, so make it especially important that you are able to open up and express your feelings to a love interest. You can simply take things to the next level within your relationship.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Luckiest day: Sunday June 12

Just before the Moon enters Sagittarius, preparing for the Full Moon on the 13th, spend time moving through your zodiac sign. This means that you will benefit from those Full Moon vibrations on this day.

Think back to November 2021 for hints of what will come full circle and come to fruition. It is also a wonderful day to honor the truth of your own feelings and speak to them unapologetically as you prepare to take on your full power.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Luckiest day: Sunday June 12

Your annual full moon is tomorrow. Still, the Moon moves into your zodiac sign tonight, bringing this energy into sharper focus for you.

Since June is such an important month for your career and relationships, it’s time to take ownership of the decisions you make for your life.

Nothing just happens. Instead, it’s something you allowed or created, so it’s time to reflect on whether those choices really add up to the life you want to create.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

luckiest day: Friday June 10

Pluto, the lord of the underworld, is still moving through your zodiac sign, sparking moments of growth as you form connections with other planets.

Today meets Mercury in Taurus challenging you to start opening up more to the people who matter most to you in life.

Whether it’s someone you have a crush on or a business partner you need, keeping things to yourself only ends up feeling resentful and bitter.

Allow yourself to let go of those negative feelings, and instead recognize that no one will know what’s going on with them unless you tell them first.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Luckiest day: Sunday June 5

The Moon in Leo should bring lovely vibes into your life today. It doesn’t mean that there will be just one big moment, but it will feel more like you are reaching calm and peace where you feel like you can finally let more love into your life.

There will be some unique mid-week opportunities for more intimacy in your life. Still, today is an opportunity to simply enjoy feeling the love and magic it can bring.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

luckiest day: Tuesday June 7

The First Quarter Moon in Virgo represents some important decisions that need to be made in matters of the heart.

This is really a day to be aware that everything you say will have great meaning, so you must not only listen, but be able to make the decisions that your future self will thank you for.