The lifting of Carolina Cruz to those who repost everything she publishes

That was the tremendous raised by Carolina Cruz to those who repost everything he publishes, after an alleged indirect to his ex, the actor Lincoln Palomeque.

Despite the fact that for several months there had been talk of the separation of the couple made up of the former beauty queen Carolina Cruz and actor Lincoln PalomequeIt was only until the end of March 2022 that they officially confirmed that they were no longer together.

Although they asked for respect from the public, especially for their children, apparently some Internet users see in their post messages that perhaps they are not there; This was the case that, apparently, filled Carolina’s cup.

“One of my greatest skills.

On my resume I am going to put: Expert in suspecting things that later turn out to be true”

Shared in one of her Instagram stories the presenter of Day to day.

More than one associated the message with Lincoln Palomeque, who dedicated some affectionate words to Caro for the most recent Mother’s Day. After this supposed hint, the woman from Cali would have decided to sing her truths to those who repost her content.

This was the lifting of Carolina Cruz to those who repost everything she publishes on her networks

“Hey, and all these cheeky pages I’m talking about, they repost everything you do, so it’s a bitch having to see yourself everywhere. Enough with having to look at myself in the mirror, enough with having to see myself on social networks, so that I also have to see everything you repost.

And they also repost everything about one’s children. So, the people who love you and who follow you because they think it’s cool to follow you already follow me, those who don’t, don’t follow me, but having to mortify the lives of those people, putting my information and that of my children, for others to fill that with bad energy, is not cool.

Work, invent something, I don’t know, look for different news, important news, international news, news that changes the world, because what happens to my life doesn’t change the family basket, the price of potatoes doesn’t go down, the banana price, that is, nothing happens with me.

leave me alone Stop reposting everything you upload that seeing it here is enough.”

Carolina said in a series of videos that, in an infinite paradox, we reposted in this note.

What perhaps Caro overlooks in her reflection is that the pages she refers to are specialized in entertainment, and respond not to the importance of the news, but to what their audience wants to see: the private lives of celebrities like herwhich is now accessible thanks to social networks.

This is how celebrity media works in the post-paparazzi era, and while it can be a bit annoying for celebrities, it’s part of the entertainment business.

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