The actress of Pasión de gavilanes who lasted 20 years on drugs

Very few know it! She is the actress of Pasión de gavilanes who lasted 20 years on drugs.

One of the characters in this successful novel that has generated the most reactions on networks in recent days has been that of Rachel Santos de Uribea quite wealthy lady who He fights tirelessly to capture all the attention and company of his adopted daughter.

The actress of Pasión de gavilanes who lasted 20 years on drugs

The person in charge of giving life to this character was the actress Maria Margarita Giraldo (daughter of the remembered actress Teresa Gutiérrez) who before dedicating himself to acting, had to go through a very dark moment in his life.

The same artist has revealed through different interviews in programs like The net, that when i was 20 years oldafter abandoning her journalism career and starting to work as a stewardess in an international airline, She met a boy who would later become her boyfriend and would give her marijuana to try.

“I wanted to travel, I knocked on many doors and finally I was accepted into an airline as an international stewardess. I met a guy, a co-worker, we became boyfriends and he introduced me to marijuana ”

This herb had become indispensable in his life, so after have a great scare for carrying a personal dose of this hallucinogen during one of their flights to Spain, decided to withdraw to avoid the risk. It was there that she started working as a waitress.

Little by little in those days of celebration and lack of control, the actress was incurring more in the world of drugsso he came to try other types of hallucinogens such as cocaine and even bazuco.

“Cocaine gave me to talk, and a horrible car talked. One believed that it was wonderful and brilliant. The only thing I owe to that shit is that I left everything behind. There came a time when I said ‘I’m going to end up prostituted or stealing from my mom

Although he lasted many years consuming this type of substance, which he affirmed that at one point “they were driving her crazy”the actress never neglected her career as an artist, so he recovered the meaning of his life and moved away from this world to continue doing what he was passionate about.

And you, Did you know this about the renowned actress? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your social networks!

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