The 3 zodiac signs that have the best weekly horoscope from March 27 to April 2, 2022

This week has great potential if you’re the kind of person who can handle stress, and while that feels like a battle, it’s a challenge worth taking on. Not everyone freaks out when the tension is on, in fact, some rise up and show the world their best face.

This week will bring out the best in Taurus, Cancer Y Poundas they are cosmically «made» for the job.

What makes this week really great for some lies in the fact that we have the Moon conjunct Jupiter to allow us to feel more accepting of our circumstances, as well as the Moon conjunct Venus, which could very well help us have a love experience.

1. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You tend to work well with powerful Aries transits, and this week will take you to the next level when it comes to work. You have been content to do your part, and upsetting the scheme of things is really not in your interest.

This week lets you and those you work with know that you truly are a player, and that once you commit, you’re in, there’s no getting rid of you.

And really, after what you’ll be able to demonstrate this week, no one will want to do it. You are absolutely valuable to the team, and if you hadn’t realized how much, this week will be the one where you will be shown complete respect and admiration for your work.

2. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Being in Aries season has its benefits: it lets you know who to avoid and who to stay close to. You’re more than happy to identify who can’t handle the pressure this week, and you might even find yourself laughing at those wild and wacky Fire signs who can’t seem to control themselves.

Why are they so fierce and hostile? That is certainly not how you are going to earn your success. Due to your cool and calm nature, you will be the one to be noticed this week and that could result in money and esteem.

If you ever doubted the people you work with, you can put that aside for now, as you will be shown respect for everything you do.

3. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Everyone works on the weekend, as they say, and that includes you, Libra. By the end of the week, you will be approaching the New Moon in Aries, and this is symbolic of your own journey, a journey towards manifestation.

Whatever you have been working on has now begun to take shape as a true possibility for you; and this may be something you have had in mind for a long, long time.

The week will bring you a positive outlook and a very optimistic view of what you think your next step will be. While the naysayers may express their opinions to her, she won’t take their words seriously. You know exactly what you want and you can see how your goal is headed for success at the end of the week.