The 3 zodiac signs that have the best horoscopes for Monday, March 28, 2022

Mercury has been in meek, dreamy Pisces the past few weeks, which means you’ve been more feeling than actively doing, thinking about what you want than having a conversation about it.

However, all of that is ending.

Joining the Sun that is already in Aries, Mercury will increase your inner strength and presence in the coming weeks.

Mercury is the planet that rules your thoughts and communication, in Aries this creates a sense of honestly speaking your truth without thinking too much about how another would take it or even the hurt feelings that may occur.

You will feel your mind moving faster than normal, which will be helpful in creating a plan for what you want to achieve next in your life.

Aries energy is powerful.

It is the beginning of the new astrological new year and you have immense leadership potential.

In its purest form, Aries is the energy of new beginnings and this is what you will feel fueled by when Mercury enters this zodiac sign.

It’s time to talk, to say what you want from life and from those in your life.

It’s time to believe in yourself and stop producing excuses and instead start producing a plan.

The only way to create the life you really want is to make sure that you really mean what you say because words have the power to create our reality.

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Just in time for you to take control of your life, Mercury changes into Aries. This will give you the power to have your outer choices (Sun) and your thoughts (Mercury) all laser-focused on a particular target. For you, many changes are coming, some have even already begun.

Whether in your career, life, or romantic relationships, it’s about you speaking your truth and having your actions aligned behind it.

It has felt like since the beginning of the year you were headed somewhere you were still trying to figure out, but now things have changed, and it seems like the universe is loosening that brake you felt was on.

Now is the time for you to harness this energy and take control of your life. Whether he wanted to be the one to make these life-changing decisions or not, he is now in his court. You have the option of continuing to let others direct your sails or that you take charge.

Don’t worry if you’re right or wrong on this one, just go with the first thought you have and let everything else unfold later. Now is the time to explicitly trust yourself.

2. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

With such a deep dive into your past and reflecting on your current life and relationships, today’s Mercury in Aries means you’ll finally find the words you’ve been struggling to say.

As a zodiac sign that likes to keep your options open, it’s often a challenge to pin something down with a solid yes or no. Even if it’s a job or a relationship, it may take a while for you to feel confident or determined enough to feel safe speaking one way or another.

Having recently gone through a particularly difficult period, today’s change brings the energy you have been needing.

With the moon currently in your sign, there should be some clarity and action surrounding your emotions and feelings.

There has been a theme around not knowing how you’ve been feeling or even knowing why, but today’s shift brings some much-needed clarity for you to finally understand.

However, once you look at that, remembering that you know is only part of it, the next thing is being able to have conversations about it. You deserve clarity in your life, which begins when you make the decision to restore it.

3. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

After feeling like the ground may have opened up revealing a completely different reality than the one you thought existed, now is the time you can start to look forward to more certainty about which step to focus on next.

Uranus in your star sign is sending earthquakes through your life upsetting the status quo and forcing change around every corner.

Part of this is that you can discover what true stability is, but the other is to alter the structures that were in place so that better ones can be built.

All of this is a slow process. But being able to stand up for what you want, take a stand and speak up to have a hand in creating this new chapter is essential for you.

Stubbornness is being adamant about change, while being an advocate for yourself is having the conversations you need so you can be the change maker. Don’t let other people color the decisions you’re making right now, especially since this chapter is called all about you.