Symptoms of high cholesterol: these are the signs that appear on your face

The most worrying thing about high cholesterol is its reputation as a «silent killer.» It often goes unnoticed as it rarely produces symptoms, making it nearly impossible to tell if you have it without testing.

But could the signs of high cholesterol be written all over your face?

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What is cholesterol?

High cholesterol occurs when you have too much fatty substance known as cholesterol in the blood.

Having some cholesterol in your blood is healthy, in fact, It is essential for cell function.

But having too much can block blood vesselswhich will increase the risk of heart problems or a stroke .

although you can inherit high cholesterol levels, usually It is due to lifestyle choices.

To have being overweight, eating too many fatty foods, not getting enough exercise, and smoking and drinking alcohol in excess they can cause levels to skyrocket.

Cholesterol can cause blockages in the arteries

What are the signs of high cholesterol?

The NHS website says that high cholesterol does not cause symptoms. Patients are often asymptomatic, making it very difficult to recognize the condition.

But some experts believe it’s possible to spot the condition early through the signs on your face.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) explains that Waxy yellow or orange growths on the skin could indicate unhealthy cholesterol levels.

On their website, they say, «If you see yellowish-orange growths on your skin, you may have cholesterol deposits under your skin.»

Although these growths can be painless, should not be ignored.

These painless deposits can appear in many areasWhat the corners of the eyes, the lines of the palms of the hands, or even the back of the lower legsso if any show up, they’re worth checking out.

The NHS says that the only way to know for sure if you have high cholesterol is by A blood test.

A doctor might recommend that you have a blood test to check if you suspect your levels may be high and unhealthy.

They are likely to suggest a test if you are overweight, have diabetes, are over the age of 40, or have a family history of high cholesterolsince these conditions will greatly increase your risk of having the condition.

Fortunately, having high cholesterol it is reversibleSimple lifestyle adjustments should bring your cholesterol down to a healthy level.

You can lower your cholesterol level exercising often, eating healthy, quitting smoking, and reducing your alcohol intake.