Symptoms of a silent disease: What symptoms to look for to detect pancreatic cancer?

In many cases, the symptoms of pancreatic cancer can be mild at first, mainly due to the position of the pancreas. This It allows that a tumor grows for a long time before causing pain or pressure. However, there are some possible symptoms, one of them related to clay-colored stools.

The jaundice is a symptom that mainly affects the skin and the whites of the eyesthen turn them yellow.

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But I also know associated with making stools look paler than usualsimilar to the color of clay.

other signs of jaundice include darker urine and itchy skin.

This condition occurs when bilirubin, a product of degradation created in the liver, accumulates in the blood. It travels from the gallbladder through a bile duct. When this duct becomes blocked, jaundice can develop.

In patients with pancreatic cancer, this usually occurs when the tumor in the pancreas begins to clog the bile duct, blocking its flow.

However, there are other medical conditions that can also cause jaundice, from gallstones to liver disease.

When you experience symptoms of jaundice, it is important to see your doctor to determine the proper cause.

There are other possible symptoms of pancreatic cancer that include:

  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss without trying
  • Feeling tired or without energy.
  • High temperature
  • Sensation of heat or chills.

The NHS also lists the signs that can affect your digestionWhat changes in stool, nausea, bloating and pain in the upper part of the belly They can be made worse by eating or lying down.

You may be experiencing them regularly due to another diagnosis you may be suffering from, affecting your stomach.

That is why it is necessary be examined by a doctor or medical professional when you develop new symptoms or if your symptoms they change and get worse.

Since it’s not always clear what causes pancreatic cancer, anyone can develop this diagnosis.

But there are some groups of people who are at higher risk.

They include people over 75 and people with certain medical conditions, for example, chronic pancreatitis.

You are also more likely to have pancreatic cancer when there is a history of this type of cancer in your family.

Pancreatic cancer can be difficult to treat, but there are different options available.

There are some things you can do to try to lower your chances of getting this disease.

The NHS recommends:

  • Lose weight if you are overweight
  • Reduce consumption of alcohol and red and processed meats
  • Give up smoking.

Although it’s not always possible to prevent pancreatic cancer, choosing a healthy lifestyle may lower your chances.