SUMMER 2021: How to organize yourself to enjoy a vacation at home?

Are you thinking about not going on vacation in a pandemic? Beyond the reasons that justify this decision, which may be very valid due to the fear of contagion, it is important to take into account some tips to face the pandemic fatigue that confinement has caused before entering the break itself.

According to Sebastian Lopez Sacco –Chief Psychology Officer of Nawaiamplanning vacation days is a first step and one of the activities that cannot be missed when it comes to combating stress «It is physical exercise and exposure to the sun because we are beings of energy.»

Another recommendation “It is dedicating myself to listening to music, to playing an instrument, to having a moment of reading, cooking, something that we really like and that many times we do not have time because our children are at home while we are working, which generates a lot of fatigue mental»added the expert.

Specifically, regarding the organization of tasks during rest days, López put the emphasis on creativity.

What am I going to do on a certain day; if we are going to make a special dinner with the children, or go back to the board games to relax. The idea is that when we plan those vacation days we don’t put on very strong structures, but do so with a certain flexibility»raised.

The specialist went further and called for holidays not to end up being one more responsibility, on the contrary, the point is to enjoy the rest spaces at home individually and as a family.

“One of the great things that the pandemic has taught us is to resume dialogue and communication to find out how the person next door is doing. Empathy is not only listening to the other, it is also the time I dedicate to the other in order to understand them. The pandemic accelerated these times and the dead spaces that are vital for reflection. Precisely, these vacation spaces at home serve to reconnect with ourselves and with the rest”finished.