Son of James has swallowed Shannon de Lima, but they criticized her!

A photo proves it. In it, the Venezuelan model is seen cuddling the son of James Rodriguez. How cute!

When James announced that his son Samuel had been born in late 2019, the public was shocked. They did not understand why the soccer player had decided to have his little one by surrogate belly and not with Shannon.

Since then, the model has been criticized for not having the baby. Even some netizens speculated that Shannon de Lima and James had broken up.

Photo of Shannon de Lima and son of James for which they criticized her

Recently, she published in one of her stories a tender photo in which she comes out playing with the child, still in her arms.

However, in the networks they took him out in the face that is not the mother. huh? People do… Look.

Pure screen because she has not raised hers, she will want someone else’s


That is pure appearance, the first time she uploads a photo with the baby, she only looks for it is the talk of James’s fool. Why she rented a womb to have the child and that her body would not be harmed. There you can see her good intentions.


Ridiculous old woman, go raise your grandchildren


And what many people are wondering at this time (and still have no answer) is: Who is Samuel’s mom? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!