Shakira very sexy in the new Black Eyed Peas video

The group Black Eyed Peas premiered their new song «Girl Like Me».” and Shakira appears very sexy in her video.

The Barranquilla singer was one of the Latin women invited to be part of the eighth album of the hip hop band.

Shakira, who this year celebrated 25 years of her album “Pies descalzos”, demonstrated once again that when it comes to dancing «her hips don’t lie“.

Also. she wore an 80s aerobics outfit and He took the opportunity to show his skills as «skater».

In her social networks Shakira wrote: “I had a great time with this video clip. I hope everyone loves it as much watching it as we do shooting it!”

With this look Shakira looks very sexy

The song is a mix between Spanish and English and highlights, among other things, the beauty of Latin women, taking Shak as an example.

I want a woman like Shakira, this Latina is rich, I want a family girl who knows how to live and who lives life.

Extract of the letter that interprets Will I Am in Spanish within the song.

The Black Eyed Peas album is called “Translation” and it highlights the collaborations of other Latin artists of great importance.

In just three days of posting the video on YouTube, he already has almost 25 million views and it keeps going up.

After watching Shakira’s video tell us what you liked the most, The song, her wardrobe or her movements?