SEASONAL ALLERGY: These are the symptoms, causes and treatment of ‘Seasonal Allergies’

Usually early spring brings with it a series of symptoms known to all those who suffer from allergieshowever, it is not the only season that renews the annoying and annoying problems of allergy sufferers and here we take a look at each of them so that you have in mind some solutions so that the change of season does not become a nuisance.

An allergy (allergic rhinitis) that occurs in a particular season, and is more commonly known as hay fever.

Hay fever occurs when your immune systemor overreacts to an outside allergensuch as pollen.

Pollen is one of the most common allergens

What is an allergen?

An allergen is something that triggers an allergic response. The most common allergens are, as we have already said, the pollen of those plants that are pollinated through the wind, such as trees, grasses and weeds. In contrast, pollen from insect-pollinated plants is too heavy to remain airborne for long and it is less likely to trigger an allergic reaction.

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Why is it called hay fever?

Hay fever gets its name from the hay-cutting season. Historically, this activity occurred in the summer months, approximately at the same time that many people were experiencing symptoms.

It also happens that seasonal allergies are less common during the winter, but it is possible to experience allergic rhinitis throughout the year.

Different plants emit their respective pollens at different times, not just in spring or summer. Depending on your allergy triggers and where you live, you may experience hay fever in more than one season. You can also react to some indoor allergens, such as mold or pet dander.

Hay fever occurs when your immune system identifies an airborne substance that is usually harmless but he understands it as dangerous. Then your immune system responds to that substance, or allergen, by releasing histamines and other chemicals into your bloodstream. Those chemicals produce the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

These are the symptoms, causes and treatment of seasonal allergies

Seasonal allergy triggers

As we noted above the common triggers of hay fever vary from season to season, let’s review one by one:


With the arrival of spring, the natural process of pollination and flowering is reactivated. For that reason, it is that the trees Are responsible for most spring seasonal allergies. The birch it is one of the most common in northern latitudes, where many people with hay fever react to its pollen. Other allergenic trees in North America include cedar, alder, horse chestnut, willow, and poplar. In southern latitudes the famous oriental bananaIt is one of the most complicated for those who live near them. The same as he tomatillothe english ryegrassthe Liter and the aromaas indicated by a study by the University of Concepción.


Hay fever gets its name from the hay cutting seasonwhich traditionally occurs in summer months. But the real culprits in seasonal summer allergies are grasses, like ryegrass and the timothy grassas well as certain weeds.


Autumn is the season of plants of the Ragweed. The genus name for ragweed is Ambrosia, and it includes more than 40 species worldwide. Most of them grow in temperate regions of North and South America. They are invasive plants difficult to control. Ragweed pollen is a very common allergen, and ragweed allergy symptoms can be especially severe.

Other plants that drop their pollen in the fall include nettles, mugwort, sorrel, fat chickens and bananas.


For the winter, most outdoor allergens remain inactive. As a result, cold weather brings relief to many people with hay fever. But it also means more people are spending time indoors. If you are prone to seasonal allergies, you may also react to indoor allergens, such as mold, pet dander, dust mites, or cockroaches.

Indoor allergens are often easier to remove from your environment than outdoor pollen. Here are some tips for getting rid of common allergens in your home:

How to avoid indoor allergies?

  • wash your bedding with very hot water at least once a week.
  • Cover your bedding and pillows with allergen-proof covers.
  • Get rid of rugs and furniture upholstered.
  • Remove the toys from teddy of your children’s rooms.
  • repair the fugs of water and cleans up water damage that can help mold and pests thrive.
  • Clean surfaces with mold and anywhere it can form, including air conditioners and refrigerators.
  • wear a dehumidifier to reduce excess moisture.

Seasonal changes tend to accentuate many allergies

How to diagnose allergies?

Hay fever is usually easier to diagnose than other allergies. If you have allergic symptoms that only occur at certain times of the year, it’s a sign that you have seasonal allergic rhinitis. You medical You can also check your ears, nose Y throat to make a diagnosis.

Allergy tests usually Are not necessary. The treatment for allergic rhinitis is likely to be the same, no matter what type of allergen you react to.

How to avoid Seasonal Allergies?

  • Avoid direct contact with pollens as much as possible during the pollination period. Example; go out to the field, mow the lawn, sweep gardens or sidewalks, etc. If it cannot be avoided, it is advisable to wear a mask.
  • Keep the windows of the house and/or vehicle closed
  • Avoid going outdoors on windy days, as there is an increase in the concentration of atmospheric pollens.
  • Avoid drying clothes outside during the period of maximum pollination, pollen is trapped in wet clothes
  • Wearing sunglasses can reduce conjunctival irritation and tearing.
  • Avoid coming into contact with other irritating agents such as tobacco smoke and bad odors, which can enhance the allergic reaction
  • If you consume fruit or other fresh vegetable products, it is essential to wash them before eating them, they could have pollen grains on their surface.

SOURCE: Maule Health Service

allergy medications

When you can’t avoid allergensOther treatments are available, including:

Over-the-counter decongestants and antihistamines, such as cetirizine (Zyrtec) and combination medications containing acetaminophen, diphenhydramine, and phenylephrine, prescription medications, such as steroid nasal sprays.

In serious casesyour doctor may recommend allergy shots. They are a type of immunotherapy which can help desensitize your immune system to allergens.

NOTE: Some allergy medications may have unwanted side effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and confusion.

In general, the beginning of spring brings with it a series of symptoms known to all those who suffer from allergies.

Alternative allergy treatments

Few studies have been done on alternative treatments for hay fever. Some people believe that the following alternative treatments may provide relief:

  • Quercetin, a flavonoid that gives color to fruits and vegetables
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus, the «friendly» bacteria found in yogurt
  • Spirulina, a type of blue-green algae
  • vitamin Cwhich has some antihistamine properties


Seasonal allergy symptoms can be uncomfortable. If you suspect you have seasonal allergies, talk to your doctor. Trained professionals can help diagnose the cause of your symptoms and prescribe a treatment plan.

They are likely to cheer you up Take steps to avoid your allergy triggers.