Sara Uribe’s tattoo in honor of her son for whom she is mocked

Sara Uribe has shown that the love she feels for her son is infinite, that’s why she dared to do something that many did not like.

The presenter surprised her followers by posting several stories on her Instagram account showing that she was getting tattooed with Fredy Guarín. But a photo of her on the networks was the one that caught her attention, as it showed her most special tattoo in honor of her little son.

Sara decided to tattoo one of Jacobo’s eyes and accompanied the photograph with a message where she assured “Your eyes accompany me, my son, now not only in my heart and memory, but also on my skin. For and forever together Jacobo”.

Many did not like the image because they assured that it looked like the eye of an adult person and it looked different from the one in the drawing. However, not all paisa fans thought the same. Many sent him compliments, some highlighted the love that Sara feels for Jacobo and others the special connection that is evident between the two.

These were some of the comments that drew attention to Sara Uribe’s tattoo:

I didn’t like that tattoo, it looks like the eye but from Guarín.

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Wow it was beautiful, it will always be with you.

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Better you would have tattooed something else, I didn’t like this one very much.

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Regular that tattoo, I don’t like it.

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And what about that eye? It looks like a grandfather’s eye lol.

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I liked it, and since she likes it, what matters most.

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What do you think of the tattoo that Sara Uribe got of her son?

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