Rigoberto Urán gave papaya, he was speechless and «sheared»

As we all know, the cyclist from Antioquia is quite a «character» and what he does on social networks quickly becomes viral, but Do you want to see him in a bad temper?Well, Rigoberto Urán gave papaya and they shorn it.

It’s literal, Rigoberto Urán went for wool and they shorn himA few days ago the cyclist published a video in which he amusingly showed his skills as a hairdresser with his wife’s hair.

However, it was evident that his court «It wasn’t even and it wasn’t just the ends»all this while inviting his followers to visit his sports stores with a hairdressing service.

For your wife michelle durangothis was the opportunity to also demonstrate that «she knows» cut hair like he did.

Though Rigoberto Urán gave him all the instructions for her to cut his hair as he wanted, the result was different and Rigo’s reaction was simply unique.

Rigoberto Urán gave papaya, he was speechless and «sheared»

Rigo’s reaction was simple, he could not hide his bad temper after realizing that he had indeed been sheared and he dispatched with “No, eat shit…!”

From the beginning it was noticeable what his wife’s cruel revenge was going to be before this opportunity and evidently it was.

Although their reaction seems aggressive, it is normal behavior between Michelle and Rigo because their complicity and way of being is very special.

This couple has more things in common: they were born in the same place, the same year and even the doctor who attended their births was the same, apparently they were cut with the same scissors.

Rigoberto Urán is characterized by his funny videos on social networks, such as the time he sang alongside Carlos Vives with a banana in his hand.

With information from Minute 30