Ricardo Arjona removed a video for showing images of Guatemala

Guatemalan singer Ricardo Arjona eliminated the video of his song ‘Mi País’ because it showed landscapes of Guatemala.

It seems strange, but it’s true Arjona and his label Metamorfosis through a press release They stated the reasons that led them to make this decision.

And the main reason was that the Guatemalan Institute of Tourism INGUAT demanded that the label include in the video the credits, without having made a single contribution, reported Metamorfosis.

For the artist it is more than clear that the intention of the video was to promote the benefits of the country in the worldhow is it happening with your concert Via Streaming ‘Hecho a la Antigua’.

Statement why Ricardo Arjona removed his video from social networks

As expected, INGUAT responded to the statement also expressing its surprise and also clarifying that he never demanded to download the video from the platforms.

Also, published the documents in which he made it clear that they were always committed with the holding of the event.

It’s not the first time Ricardo Arjona is the protagonist of a controversy in his own country, let us remember that he returned The Order of the Quetzal which he received in 2013.

So far Ricardo has not spoken on his social networks and has given more prominence to the event that has been seen in the world by more than a million people.

Who do you think is right, Ricardo Arjona or INGUAT? Leave your opinion in the comments.