Recommendations to avoid falling into the «uncle’s tale» of the digital age

Today, it is nothing new that companies around the world have turned their attention to protective measures against computer attacks of which many have fallen prey, making it essential to invest in cybersecurity to protect both the information of companies and that of their clients.

However, it must be emphasized that experts point out that this type of crime has been increasing together with the rise in virtual transactions, e-commerce and teleworking, being one more consequence of the pandemic.

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According to the report of Boston Consulting Group (BCG), investment in cybersecurity in 2020 was US$269 million, an increase of US$23 million, compared to US$246 in 2019.

«Although these types of crimes became common with the violation of financial or banking entities, cybercriminals have become professional, expanding their spectrum to any industry, so we must be prepared to block their attacks,» says Nassin Núñez, country manager & chief strategy officer at Stefanini Group.

In Chile, the implementation of digitization was forced by the social and pandemic scenario, taking some companies by surprise and accelerating plans for the next five years, in the case of others. The truth is that there was a change that has been reflected in the investment they are making.

Why is it so important to invest in cybersecurity?

According to Núñez, “it is essential for the correct digital functioning of organizations, to protect both its data and that of its customers. If the system is not protected, it is vulnerable to losing information or that it be misused”.

The digital fraud towards large companies and international companies, including government entities, is known and many of them are taking action on the matter, both in the implementation of technologies, and in the advice of experts on the subject, but how does it affect the users or customers? Nassin Núñez is emphatic, «being the user one of the weakest links, this issue does not only affect the less digital generations, it can happen to anyone and will depend on the context in which they are living» and adds, «information is essential» .

In this regard, the expert provides some recommendations to avoid falling into digital deception:

· Never believe in prizes: If you have not participated in a contest it is almost impossible to win. Avoid falling into this type of deception, even more so if it involves a link with the message “click here”.

· Write the complete web: If we search in Google, a link may appear that we associate with what we are looking for, but it may be fraudulent. It is recommended to enter in the browser the full link of the store, bank or entity you are looking for.

· WhatsApp: These types of contacts become more common every day. If a friend or relative asks for money in this way, the recommendation will always be to verify the source.

· Do not disclose information: If a supposed bank executive requests a password or sends a link, it is most likely a hoax. A bank will never request data of this type.

· distrust: It is better to be «badly thought» and corroborate the information that is being sent, either with the company in question or with those who have more digital knowledge.

The expert also refers to the fact that digital security companies must be attentive to the mechanisms that hackers are using and observe the items that are being most popular, «because without a doubt these will be the most attacked, as we have seen lately with the banking and retail with a string of cyber security breaches,” he concludes.