Recipes of the world: How to prepare the best Irish Coffee

The Irish coffee it is an iconic cocktail and the original recipe is not difficult. This recipe calls for four common ingredients: the combination of a smooth Irish whiskey with rich, sweetened black coffee topped with cream is an absolute delight.

This recipe was created in Ireland by Joe Sheridan in the early 1940s. Although some people think it’s simple, authentic Irish coffee isn’t as simple as adding a shot of whiskey to your coffee.

Instead, this is a well-planned and carefully constructed coffee drink that should be carefully mixed with any latte or cappuccino. That said, it’s actually quite easy.

One piece of advice is to choose a great Irish whiskey and follow the recipe, and then you will discover why this classic is considered one of the best cocktails of all time.

Perfect for a cold night, it’s a great after-dinner drink that you’ll want to share with everyone you know.

Irish coffee

How to prepare the best Irish Coffee


2 teaspoons packed brown sugar , to taste

4 ounces of strong hot coffee

1 1/2 ounces Irish whiskey

1 ounce heavy cream, lightly whipped Irish Coffee

Preparation: Steps to do it

  1. Gather the ingredients.
  2. Place the brown sugar in a glass, mug, or other heatproof glass of warm Irish coffee.
  3. Add the coffee and Irish whiskey.
  4. Stir until sugar dissolves.
  5. Spoon lightly whipped heavy cream on top by slowly pouring it over the back of a spoon.
  6. Do not stir. Instead, drink the Irish coffee through the cream. Enjoy.