Rain of criticism of Aura Cristina Geithner for «mostrona»

His followers are no longer very happy with his posts! Rain of criticism of Aura Cristina Geithner for «mostrona».

For several months, the renowned 53-year-old actress has shared through her social networks different photographs and videos quite risqué with which he has left more than one breathless.

Rain of criticism of Aura Cristina Geithner for «mostrona»

in every post has shown the best of its attributeswhich has led her to even receive marriage proposals from her most faithful admirers.

Nevertheless, there are those who have expressed quite annoyance with their images, So they ensure that «He already crossed the line between sensual and vulgar.»

This was recently the case with a carousel of photographs in which she appeared wearing a tiny red lingerie set. hundreds of internet users They criticized her and described her as «vulgar», assuring that she only does it because «she lost acting validity».

“This already with those photos is over. Get your account canceled. He’s in the wrong place”, “Like when you lose acting validity 🤔”, “It is not understood that women with so much talent should resort to this to receive likes… That is why they lose respect for them…”, “What an ugly photo” , «Tremendous talent on TV I always remembered her like this… But lately in photos she seems to be asking for a husband🤭».

And you, Do you agree with the comments received by the actress? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your social networks!

With information from: eluniversal.com.co