Psychology tips: 5 tips to cope with confinement

We have been in and out of quarantine for more than a year as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Is that confinement is a very complex issue to cope with, thinking that they add up as factors of day to day, highlighting teleworking, tele-education, among others.

All this situation implies a substantial change in the life and customs of an entire population. So, the question comes, what to do to cope with the emotional effects of this new confinement?

“We must consider that optimism and hope are healing attitudes to face daily challenges. Ideally, we can carry out an activity that we are passionate about, for example doing physical exercise, or learning relaxation or meditation techniques. We must avoid falling into the extremes of negative information” ensures Paul Marassi, Psychologist who is currently applying as President of the College of Psychologists of Chile by Constituent Directory List.

In order to better cope with the stress and fatigue caused by confinement, we must consider the following points that, in the opinion of the psychologist, are absolutely necessary.

Feelings of anguish and fear.

It is important to know how to recognize the feelings of anguish and fear caused by the situation. We have to work so that they are not invalidating us, it is normal to feel confused. We must change our thinking when we notice that we are maximizing situations that do not deserve it.

Maintain habits.

It is important to continue carrying out the tasks that we usually carry out, where one of the keys is to continue maintaining the sleep schedule. In addition, to take care of the diet and exercise.

Do not forget about friends and close.

The continuity of social relationships helps to live better the time you have to be locked up. It is advisable to maintain contact with people through online platforms, telephone or social networks.

Eliminate the contagion of fear.

Fear is spread through communication and the information we receive. Here it is necessary to follow information collected by official sources, avoiding as much as overinformation and alarmism as well as fake news that flood social networks. It is important to verify the information you share, so as not to spread rumors or unverified data.

If necessary consult a professional.

If necessary, tell people you trust how you feel. If the anguish continues over time, it will be necessary to consult with a psychology professional.