Protocols for returning to classes in Colombia

The Ministry of Health published the protocols for returning to classes in Colombia and here is what you should know.

After 6 months of receiving home classesmillions of students would start attending colleges and universities even though the pandemic is still going on.

That is why the Colombian Ministry of Health issued Resolution No. 1721 of 2020, «by which the biosafety protocol for the management and control of the risk of the COVID-19 coronavirus in educational institutions, higher education institutions and educational institutions for work and human development”.

See the summary of the protocols for returning to classes in Colombia

Although the decree explains the processes of adaptation, disinfection, communication and other measures that educational institutions must carry out, it also specifies details of student behavior; you must take them into account in the new normality with social distancing.

1. Travel to and from the home

  • Wash your hands before leaving home.
  • Use the mask during the displacement path.
  • Go directly to the educational institution.
  • Avoid eating food during the tour.

2. Entry, journey and arrival on school routes

  • Use face masks to enter the vehicle and permanently during the tour.
  • Distribute people guaranteeing a distance of one meter and alternately (zigzag).
  • Clean your hands with glycerinated alcohol or antibacterial gel.
  • Arrange passengers from back to front.
  • Take the temperature before entering the vehicle.
  • Clean and disinfect vehicles according to protocol.

3. Entry and exit from institutions

  • Delegate a leader or a team to coordinate the entry process.
  • Demarcate and ensure the distance of two meters between people.
  • Prevent access to the institution of people without masks.
  • Inquire about the symptoms before the start of academic work.
  • Record the temperature.
  • Guarantee the disinfection of hands and shoes upon entry.

4. Recreational and recreational spaces, the most worrying point for parents in this back-to-school protocol

  • Form and maintain groups of students who share the day.
  • Assign shifts for staggering with moments of rest and feeding.
  • Guarantee the distance of two meters in common areas.
  • Signpost entry and exit routes.
  • Locate containers for waste separation.
  • Establish a specific time for handwashing with soap and water.
  • Install alcohol or antibacterial gel dispensers in rest areas.

It should be clarified that the same decree clarifies that the return to classes is gradual and each educational establishment will be able to handle it according to the alternation model.

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