Phrases of self-love, perfect to start the day!

We have compiled for you some self love phrases for you to start putting into practice every day of your life.

If you are going through a complicated moment, such as a tusa that you think is affecting your self-esteem and self-esteem, this note is for you and you can see it by clicking here. However, if what you want is to start feeding your self-esteem with beautiful phrases, we have the best ones for you.

beautiful self love messages

If you are looking for phrases of self-love that encourage you to love yourself, where you begin to feel good and everything flows around you. Let us tell you that here you will find wonderful and very inspiring messages that have been spoken or written by influential thinkers who were quite clear about the message of learning to love oneself.

  • Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. (Oscar Wilde)
  • Love is a miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives (Louise L. Hay)
  • The person who does not value himself cannot value anything or anyone (Ayn Rand)
  • Be true to what exists within you (André Gide)
  • You yourself, as much as any other being in the entire universe, deserve your own love and affection (Buddha)
  • Self love is the source of all loves (Pierre Corneille)
  • If we did not love ourselves at all, we could never love anything. Self-love is the basis of all love (Thomas Traherne)
  • If you have the capacity to love, love yourself first (Charles Bukowski)
  • Celebrate who you are deep in your heart. Love yourself and the world will love you (Amy Leigh Mercree)
  • Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends (Aberjhani)

Likewise, you can start your day with each of these messages that will give you a different point of view on life. It is time for you to start putting them into practice, and you will see how everything begins to flow in your favor on a day-to-day basis.

  • All love begins with inner love (Vironika Tugaleva)
  • Make a promise to yourself right now: declare that you are worthy of your time and energy (Deborah Day)
  • Love yourself and be satisfied with the incredible life you are creating (Amy Leigh Mercree)
  • When a woman becomes her best friend, life is easier (Diane Von Furstenberg)
  • Our first and last love is self-love (Christian Nestell)
  • The most important relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself (Steve Maraboli)
  • In your life it is important that you know how spectacular you are (Steve Maraboli)
  • True love begins when you accept yourself in your totality. Then and only then can you fully love another person (Amy Leigh Mercree)
  • When you love yourself, you make better decisions (Minaa B)
  • When you stop living your life based on what others think of you, real life begins (Shannon L. Alder)

And you, Are you going to start putting these self-love phrases into practice? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.