Phrases for 2022, start with the whole new year!

Many people wonder what kind of phrases for 2022 they can happen after such a difficult 2021; That’s why we share some ideas.

We thought that this would never happen, that it would never come to an end, but it is impossible to stop the passage of time and that is why even a year as “coronavirous” as this 2021 has been, also ends.

We know that we cannot breathe easy yet, but closing this cycle can give us encouragement to move forward, because even the bad is learned and the coronavirus has left us life lessons that changed us forever.

The best new year messages 2022

Below we share some ideas of what you can say or write to your family or friends to whom you want to wish a Happy New Year and that take into account the current circumstances that humanity is going through.

Motivational messages for 2022

Some words are always necessary to help us put our reality in perspective to realize that there are people in the world who are having a much worse time than us and that it is in our hands to continue living. Because despite the circumstances, life goes on.

goodbye 2021

A very interesting possibility is to concentrate on saying goodbye to the year that is ending, as if to forget about it forever; Although deep down we know that this will not happen, the important thing for our spirit is to bury it and throw it on the ground.

see the bright side

Another option is to accept reality without drama and understand from now on that this coming year will also be difficult, but concentrating on the positive, because everything in life has two sides and the important thing is which one you decide to be on.

Phrases for 2022 full of hope

They say that hope is the last thing that is lost and that is why you can choose to send words that help your family and friends to be convinced that this new year we will be able to do what we need so much: forget the annoying social distancing forever and… HUG each other!

Good humor

They say that laughter is healing and therapeutic, so do not be afraid to give free rein to your good humor to «take it easy» despite the difficult circumstances, always maintaining respect, of course, do not go overboard.

Share these messages with yours! And tell us, what do you expect from 2022? Write what you think in the comments, and good vibes!