Onion juice: trick to grow hair

If you want your hair to grow or new hair fibers to grow on your scalp, this home trick will interest you.

For women, hair is serious business. We consent to it since we are little, we cry if they cut it badly, some days we can’t stand it… A whole love-hate relationship! Nevertheless, the very idea of ​​going bald terrifies us like no otherCan you imagine your head without hair? Nope! That can’t happen to you! However, it happens more than you think.

Did you know that more than 40 percent of women over 50 years of age suffer from alopecia? And it didn’t start from one day to the next after reaching the fifth floor, but many years before, but due to carelessness they let it advance. A form of keeping hair on your head is through home remedies, which cost you nothing and are very effective; At Vibra we discovered the onion juice trick, and we thought it was a hit!

How do you prepare?

  • In a small pot, put a chopped red onion and a little water
  • Boil the onions in the water
  • When the onion is already very soft, proceed to strain the water
  • Let cool and you already have your onion juice.

How does it apply?

When you take a shower, wash your hair normally and after removing the shampoo apply this onion juice on your scalp; leave on for 5 minutes and rinse. Every 8 days do the same operation, but leave it to act for an hour. To remove the sour smell from your hair, you can apply rose water or perfumed rinse.

You will also like to know: Ají, new trick for hair growth?

Know the chili trick to have long hair @lapinedita @ladibaespinosa @AnitamaAguilera http://t.co/ZceQiYjF2m pic.twitter.com/LePRT5mWEP

— @ (@vibra_co) June 9, 2015

In the portal BoldSky, a specialist in beauty and health, ensures that according to several studies, people who have used onion juice to grow their hair have reported positive results in less than a month. How are you? Share this note with your network contacts and save the hair of more than one!