«Now I do have the complete kit»: Yina Calderón has a new boyfriend

OMG! Yina Calderón has a new boyfriend. This was confessed by the businesswoman through stories.

In recent days, the influencer was the target of criticism for having had too many drinks and insulting The king of extensions, who was in charge of fixing her hair.

“Now I do have the complete kit”: Yina Calderón has a new boyfriend

Since the end of her relationship with Julián Luna, the businesswoman and influencer had not been associated with any suitor again, since on different occasions he has shown that for now he has no interest in anyone.


However, he recently made a revealing publication that left more than one speechless and full of doubts. Well, while doing a touch up on the eyebrows He published a story on his Instagram account in which he confessed that “now he has the complete kit”, fleetingly revealing that he now has a new boyfriend.


Attitude, charisma, personality, desire to get ahead, eyelash, the eyebrow of life, boyfriend, nooo, now I’m complete»

The confession took even the person who was attending her by surprise, because she immediately asked: Boyfriend? How so boyfriend?what Yina Calderón responded by saying “ay ya!”

And you, Do you know who is this about? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your social networks!

With information from: hsbnews.com