Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher showed their impressive sustainable mansion

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher They are one of the most beloved couples in Hollywood, not only because of their complicity but also because they seek to have a social impact in the world.

The actors wanted to generate social awareness and that is why they opened the doors of their home to show what their impressive mansion is like, which is also sustainable. That is why in an interview with a renowned architecture magazine, they showed that they are committed to the environment and their mansion located in Los Angeles is wonderful.

How is the sustainable mansion of Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher?

Without a doubt, the photos of the property caught the attention of all their fans because they seem taken from a film set. It is a modern style, with industrial touches and also with open environments, large windows and lots of green. In addition, the house is powered by photovoltaic energy and is built with ecological and sustainable materials.

The couple also wanted their sons Wyatt and Dimitri to be in contact with nature and for that reason they have a large garden with a beautiful swimming pool. The couple clarified that they wanted a house and not a farm but they kept some details “We wanted the house to look like an old barn, something that had been here for decades, which was later turned into a house. But it also had to feel modern and relevant.».

And you, What do you think of the beautiful sustainable mansion of Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.