Message from Santiago Cruz: Better times will come»

The Tolima singer surprised us with a new release and we recommend you listen to this message from Santiago Cruz.

Nobody expected what has happened to us this year and it has touched us all in some way, in our lifestyle and our family.

Artists have not been oblivious to these changes that we have experienced and an example of this is our dear friend and brother Santi Cruz.

This week Santi released a new single that many It falls like a glove called «Better Times».

We had recently seen it in an animated version, but this time its message is more intimate, deeper.

Better times, the message of Santiago Cruz

this beautiful song was born from the personal experience of his wife María Paz after losing her father in November 2018.

About «Better Times» Santiago Cruz has referred as follows:

«I don’t know if going against the current has a value in itself, surely not, but in times of so much homogeneity in what is known as the mainstream music industry, where everyone pursues the contradictory premise of standing out by doing what same as ‘everyone’, I am convinced that authenticity and one’s own path have great value (…)”

Santiago Cruz Manifesto “All about better times”.

All of Santi’s experience has been shared on his social networks as part of that authentic artist who represents.