Marbelle would leave the country if Gustavo Petro wins the elections

Marbella He has never kept his different opinions about Gustavo Petro to himself, which is why he is not afraid to say what he thinks about the candidate.

The Colombian singer a few days ago was targeted by several people after her comments on Francia Marquez, Petro’s vice-presidential formula. However, this time she draws attention again because La Negra Candela assured that Marbelle would leave the country if in the end things did not turn out as she expected at the polls.

They say that Marbella would go to live in another country if Petro wins

Through her social networks, La Negra Candela assured that Marbelle’s disagreement with the ideals of Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez is so great that the singer would be thinking of leaving the country. She apparently would rather make a change than live under a leftist government.

In a video, the entertainment journalist also mentioned that at first everything seemed to be an exaggeration. However, she mentioned that «They have told us that she is very determined to do it, that if things turn out the way she doesn’t want, then she packs her bags and goes to another place to live.» However, the queen of the technolane has so far neither confirmed nor denied the rumours.

And you, Do you think that what La Negra Candela says about Marbelle is true or false? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.