If you’re struggling to find a way to turn off the switch on your worries, astrology has something to say about which antidote could help relieve your stress.

Each zodiac sign is its own force of natureso while a particular stress reliever may work wonders for someone else, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be your cup of tea. Here, astrologers offer the best ways to relax, according to your zodiac sign.

The best way to relieve STRESS according to your ZODIAC sign

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Aries (March 21-April 19): Go for a run

Aries is a highly kinesthetic sign, and when they reach their breaking point (probably because someone is walking too slowly in front of them), it’s especially cathartic to release stress with their bodies. On top of that, Aries is the sign of speed, so the state of perpetual rapid motion is just as relaxing for them as stillness is for others.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Aromatherapy

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the sign of luxury and beauty. As such, Taurus feel most at ease when they indulge in something that delights the senses. To calm down, a little aromatherapy with essential oils will help zodiac bulls believe in the beauty of life, or at least their ability to smell fabulous.

Gemini (May 21-June 20): Free Writing

Geminis love words, and even the most quiet and introverted find catharsis in organizing their thoughts and feelings into sentences. Geminis tend to be mentally scattered, so it’s especially helpful to focus all that mental energy on low-risk freewriting for 20 minutes or so. You may even like what you write when you’re done.

Cancer (June 21-July 22): Opening That Box of Memories

As the most sentimental sign in the zodiac, Cancers have a deeper appreciation for nostalgia and history than the rest of us. When the world is too much to deal with, they can get zen by looking through memories, whether it’s an old shoebox of love notes from an old flame or their high school yearbooks filled with well wishes for the summer and promises to keep in touch. . Connecting with your personal history will be the balm that calms your nerves.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Self Pleasure

Before you grab your pearls, remember that Leo is the sign of self-love. Not only that, but it’s well established in the research community that a little onanism on a regular basis will benefit both body and mind. Yes, you can get a little smarter and more emotionally regulated if you get depressed, and no one but Leo can appreciate that rhythm.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Yoga

Virgo minds are working fast 24/7 (and then some) like the master organizers of the zodiac. To help release all that stress, a little classic yoga is an especially effective way to let it go. Yoga is all about giving, and since Virgos tend to work so hard out of duty, this practice can help them, at least temporarily, serve a god other than the god of productivity.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 21): Catch a romantic comedy

When the world isn’t providing the romance we all deserve (hardly ever, really…), Libras will find they can bounce back by rewatching their favorite rom-com and talking along with the dialogue because they know the whole movie by heart. Because they love love and sometimes only When Harry Met Sally can do the trick.

Scorpio (October 22 – November 21): Disappear into music

Scorpios are deeply emotional and need to withdraw from the world from time to time. To recharge your batteries, it’s best to lose yourself in music that suits your mood. If they can feel immersed in a song, it makes their own feelings seem much more manageable. Sometimes that’s enough to slow down the rapid heart rate.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): royal therapy

While Geminis have the biggest reputation for over-talking, Sagittarians are the real loudmouths of the zodiac. As such, the best stress reliever for talkative centaurs is actual talk therapy, where they can unload whatever drama of the day is unfolding around them. But with a therapist present to ask guiding questions, they are more likely to realize that the drama was inside them all along.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): A little housework

Capricorns are hard workers by nature, and in part that’s because they appreciate the wave of satisfaction that comes with a job well done. When they need to relax, they can replicate that reward scenario with fewer stakes by applying it to a simple task, one that has a clear beginning, middle, and end, like folding laundry or doing the dishes. Not so strenuous that it becomes real work, but enough of a structured task that they feel «mission accomplished» when it’s over.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Game Night

Aquarians are very intellectual, even in search of calm. A little mental exercise in the form of a board game or trivia with friends can help water carriers get into a state of flow, especially if it’s a familiar topic. For some, competitive gaming just increases stress levels, but a cool Aquarius can handle it. The short-term focus will relieve them of the other 400-500 ideas swirling around in their heads.

Pisces (February 19-March 20): Meditation

As a more spiritual sign, Pisces finds that the quickest path to Zen is the easiest route: meditation. Pisces are hypersensitive (it’s what allows them to be such brilliant artists/problem solvers), but it means they need truly peaceful conditions to rest their senses. Lying on your futon probably won’t do. Sensory deprivation tank, anyone?