Laura Moreno got married and revealed photos of what would be her husband

After appearing in different media for the Colmenares Case, the young woman left her past behind and is now dedicated to her marriage.

Laura Moreno caught the attention of the media when her name was involved in the death of Luis Andrés Colmenares. However, after six years, the young woman managed to get out of that judicial process together with Jessy Quintero, since they were declared innocent.

Little by little the two young women managed to recover their private life, but in recent months Laura’s name has once again occupied several headlines. The reason? The young woman decided to give love a chance and that is why she married an Ecuadorian, apparently in Villa de Leyva, Boyacá.

Although little was known about the man who had stolen her heart, some photos were leaked where Laura appears next to her husband during the marriage and also at an airport. For this reason, many assured that she was preparing to travel for the honeymoon and that her destination was Cancun, a paradisiacal place in Mexico.

Of course, the fact immediately gave something to talk about because several people affirmed that it is unfair for Laura to continue with her normal life after everything that happened in the Colmenares Case. However, others mentioned in different social networks that she should continue with her life, because she was not guilty of anything.

What do you think about the situation of Laura Moreno and the Colmenares Case?

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With information from: Las2orillas